Obscene T-shirts

Obscene T-shirts - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 8th Sep, 2004 - 7:56pm

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Post Date: 8th Sep, 2004 - 9:32am / Post ID: #

Obscene T-shirts
A Friend

Obscene T-shirts

Have you ever been out in public and see someone wearing a obscene t-shirt with sayings like spank me I like it rough , go jerk off , and f@%$ off ! Or what about the t-shirt with pictures of stickmen doing different sex positions. How do you feel about people wearing these t-shirts out in public. I think people should be fined for wearing these t-shirts out in public.

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8th Sep, 2004 - 2:15pm / Post ID: #

T-shirts Obscene

I do find these kinds of T-shirts offensive, but because of freedom of speech there is little that can be done. I remember a few years ago Florida tried to ban bumper stickers with the popular phrase S**t Happens. They tried to fine people who had them, but the courts said the expression was protected by the free speech amendment. I guess that if people want to be vulgar there is nothing we can do to stop them, unless we change the US Constitution.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 11 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.1%

Post Date: 8th Sep, 2004 - 7:56pm / Post ID: #

Obscene T-shirts
A Friend

Obscene T-shirts History & Civil Business Politics

QUOTE (ReneeisXena @ 8-Sep 04, 9:15 AM)
I do find these kinds of T-shirts offensive, but because of freedom of speech there is little that can be done.

Got a question (anyone can answer this, if they know anything about laws). Isn't there a law in effect, or one that some people are trying to pass, that bans swearing in public? I ask this because a lot of the T-shirts you people mentioned seem like they could be tied to a law like that as part of what could be banned. However, I do not know the scope of what I heard. I'm not sure whether it was local or national, and all I remember is I heard something about it on the news a few years ago.

If anyone comes across something like that, I would be interested in hearing. Considering some of the events that have gone on regarding free speech laws recently (such as the issue with the street preachers and LDS general conference, which has yet to reach a complete solution).

Reconcile Edited: Talduras on 8th Sep, 2004 - 7:57pm

> TOPIC: Obscene T-shirts


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