Does it bother you at all that Pres. Monson along with other Apostles did not serve a mission even though they could?
Personally, it doesn't matter to me. It is purely a personal choice and maybe it was the right decision for them.
I probably didn't know that. (I know he served in the Navy during that time). But I guess I never considered it a problem because he was a mission president. (As a lot of the leaders where) so maybe they didn't serve the same type of mission as the rest of the church, but they did still serve a mission.
I think he did return on time to serve but chose not to (For whatever reason). Although I understand your point of the type of mission, serving a regular one cannot be compared (The experience) with one when you serve when you're much older and with your wife at your side.
I didn't know President Monson didn't serve a mission does anyone know why or if he ever talked about it?
These Are War Era brethren so most of them were drafted or served in the military during their (18 to 20 years) but did not Pres. Monson Serve as Mission president in Canada ? Is this not a mission ? Not in the term we think as missionaries but still he served a mission.
Either way, I still see they serve in a manner which God has called them
Correct but some of them returned, they could have served but they chose not for whatever reason. Yes, President Monson was a Mission President I believe but the topic I think is talking more about a regular two years old mission.