Izakaya The Japanese Pub Cookbook
Now that you have read the book Izakaya The Japanese Pub Cookbook by: Mark Robinson what is your review for it?
About Izakaya The Japanese Pub Cookbook: Japanese pubs, called izakaya, are attracting growing attention in Japan and overseas. As a matter of fact, a recent article in The New York Times claimed that the izakaya is starting to shove the sushi bar off its pedestal. While Japan has many guidebooks and cookbooks, this is the first publication in English to delve into every aspect of a unique and vital cornerstone of Japanese food culture.
Illustration for Izakaya The Japanese Pub Cookbook by: --
Izakaya The Japanese Pub Cookbook (Hover)
Name: Mindy
Comments: I've always been fascinated by the 'Japanese experience' as I like to call it. The culture, foods and people fascinate me. If I were not Canadian I would have been Japanese for sure. I love this book, Izakaya illustrates how great Japanese cooking can be, love it.