Have you ever been out in public and see someone wearing a obscene t-shirt with sayings like spank me I like it rough , go jerk off , and f@%$ off ! Or what about the t-shirt with pictures of stickmen doing different sex positions. How do you feel about people wearing these t-shirts out in public. I think people should be fined for wearing these t-shirts out in public.
I do find these kinds of T-shirts offensive, but because of freedom of speech there is little that can be done. I remember a few years ago Florida tried to ban bumper stickers with the popular phrase S**t Happens. They tried to fine people who had them, but the courts said the expression was protected by the free speech amendment. I guess that if people want to be vulgar there is nothing we can do to stop them, unless we change the US Constitution.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 11 1.1%
QUOTE (ReneeisXena @ 8-Sep 04, 9:15 AM) |
I do find these kinds of T-shirts offensive, but because of freedom of speech there is little that can be done. |