Thank you for uploading the image I sent you.
I just got done making the one for the gods & flags in my game. I am sending it now.
Thank you for putting up the other image. I have another question regarding images. If I prove myself worthy and be able to post maps and images with this, dose this mean I would become able to use HMLT and directly put the image links in to a post?
Or, would I be required to keep sending them to you and asking them to be put in the locations I need them in?
Example: I have some art I made of spiders a while back, if I have the game going and spiders attack, I think it would be fun to post my art of spiders (1 image) in the same post I am having them attack in
Will this be possible?
I am still in the "Afraid of posting a lot of my art online" phase of it all. I did just have my 1st and 2[nd] art shows in the last 2 months - in California, but I am still vary much the nobody in the art world and, while I would love to post my art allover this forum, my biggest fear as an artist is that before I can make a name for myself some one will run off with my art do a better job at it- or call it there own.
Also went to see if I could upload jut one of my images, and the KB size limit of 70 will never allow my images to be uploaded, but I'll see if I cant work on finding a way to compress them and still have them saved as Jpg.
Edited: KittenPunk on 30th Dec, 2012 - 4:44pm