Canadian MP: Parliament Must Denounce Sex-Selection Abortions
A Canadian MP is pushing parliament to denounce sex-selection abortions at a time when studies show women are using ultrasounds to determine the sex of unborn children for the purposes of sex-selection abortions. Ref. Source 3
If you keep targeting females then eventually you will have underpopulation and in many areas of Canada its already underpopulated. What's wrong with having a baby girl?
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 5 0.5%
I agree one hundred percent we much let girl baby occur. I personally hoped for one but have two good boys. I think if people look to china and other places were female babies were killed or aborted we would see why.
Males in mid twenties high rate of suicide as no way to have a life mate and is very depressing. Males hang around and lose motivation for life since they see no personal future in it for themselves. Also many have considered male partners just because they are so lonely.
I guess overpopulation can be lowed in this method but at a considerable cost.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%