World Greed Updates
Any Updates to the online World Greed game will be placed here.
RISK Is Open Again
Initially I set up this game some years ago and left it. I downloaded the most recent version, patched it and uploaded it to our server. Now you can play if you are a Premium Plus Member or above. Even if you cannot play you can view. See the Read Me Thread for details.
RISK Updates
1. Fixed the "My Games" list on the right so it fits right under the "Top 10"
2. One on One Rules now apply - please see the "Read Me" Thread in the RISK Board
3. On One on One games you will see a notice at the top of the game with a link to the One on One rules.
4. Player colors are next to their name now when creating a game
5. FP is now within the system. Each time you press the "Create Game" button you are deducted 10FP
6. Joining a Game is 5FP
7. All players have been given 100FP to start, you can add more by contacting me.
Concede Works!
It used to be that Concede did not work, but a recent test shows that some code changes I made (which I could not test) now works. If you know you are going to lose rather than delay... click on "Options" and you will get an option to concede. verify that and the game will be deleted and both parties awarded respectively.
Roadkill is black and FarSeer is gold. I think that leaves us with one color left after which we will begn sharing colors. Soon I will also create a more automated way of requesting FP to your RISK account, until then please do ask for it in big chunks like 300 FP and up. In this way I do not have to keep editing your account. Thanks.
Concede Gives You A Win
If you used the option to Concede during a game then the script would award you both a loss and win point. This has been corrected so now you only get a loss. The winner of the game will get their win when they login and visit / delete the game.