BareBones Fantasy Role Playing Game
Based on your experiences what for you was the BareBones Fantasy Role Playing Game's rating, pros and cons?
Barebones Fantasy Role Playing Game (Hover)
Name: Ascent
Title: Excellent game
Comments: I have thoroughly enjoyed the system. It is easily hacked, though there are some principles in that regard one should discern before doing so, especially regarding nomenclature and how much is too much.
I love this system. It's my favorite. I highly recommend it and mention it anytime role-playing games are mentioned.
Everything in the system is easy and it avoids modifier madness as much as it can, though modifiers are still important.
Its reviews at [..] will tell you all you need to know about it.
The only outstanding flaw in the system, for me, is the Ranks. There's really no way to do ranks (CL in 3e+) correctly without getting complicated. So if you don't want to be complicated, don't do ranks. Even within the mechanic's text it says essentially: 'just wing it,' rendering the mechanic virtually meaningless.
Also, I've never really liked a 6 level limitation, but I understand the reason for it that has to do with skill cost vs. Ability score cost that renders earning skill levels meaningless after 6th level. But with proper rewards for skill use after 6th level, the fade-out could be overcome. But that's academic and I already have an article ready for providing 20 levels to skills.
Despite my personal view of those two minor things, the game is brilliantly crafted. I look forward to their upcoming Covert Ops and FrontierSpace games based on the same system.