Chaotic Good
This is a general Thread to Discuss anything related to the Dungeons & Dragons Alignment: Chaotic Good, please share your thoughts about Chaotic Good as a Character Alignment in Dungeons & Dragons.
For me being chaotic good is the way to go. You don't have to answer much to anyone in the game except for your mates. They know they can trust your character but they don't have to worry about you becoming a fanatic.
I often have "Issues" with people who play chaotic good characters. I put it in quotation marks because it doesn't effect my enjoyment of the game, but I feel people misinterpret it. In my experience, chaotic characters are the ones who deliberately go against the grain, but it is anything but unpredictable. I feel that chaos is unpredictable therefore I feel that being a neutral character gives you the only license to be chaotic. Again, I know this is being very "Nit-picky."
I like your explanation Tonatha. That's how I try to play my character, Krusten. I think some players don't understand her, she is a free spirit and wants to do her own thing but means well in the end. She doesn't want to feel that she is under orders from anyone or has to conform to anything but it doesn't mean she will go out of her way to harm anyone. This is how I see chaotic good.
I see Chaotic Good characters as being mostly reactionary. Where a Lawful Good may not slay a group of thugs robbing a man, rather, they may shout for the guards or yell for the thugs to stop. The Chaotic Good character, on the other hand, would jump into the fray without restraint. That's my view on it, anyways. I actually quite enjoy Chaotic Good characters, most of the time.