Mom Changes Mind About Abortion After Newtown Shooting
The school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut was a terrible tragedy that took the lives of two dozen children and school officials. However, the tragedy has helped millions of Americans foster a greater appreciation for children and human life.
Steve Rupp, Vice President of Missouri Right to Life, shares the following story of how it made such a monumental impact on one mother considering an abortion that she changed her mind:. Ref. Source 3
Many share Newtown's mourning during holidays
As residents prepared to observe Christmas less than two weeks after a gunman killed 20 children and six educators at an elementary school, people sharing in the town's mourning brought offerings of cards, handmade snowflakes and sympathy. Ref. Source 9
Video: Demolition Of Sandy Hook Elementary Begins
Newtown, Conn., school where 26 were killed last year will be replaced by a new facilitySchoolhouse Beat
Prosecutors released a report into the investigation into the Dec. 14, 2012, shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown and determined that Adam Lanza acted alone in the shooting. The report found no motive. "Based on a painstaking investigation it is determined that there will be no arrests or prosecutions," State's Attorney Stephen J. Sedensky III said in a statement. Ref. USAToday