Church Or Not?

Church Not - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 19th Sep, 2004 - 5:19pm

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Post Date: 11th Apr, 2004 - 10:06pm / Post ID: #

Church Or Not?
A Friend

Church Or Not?

Do you guys think that you need to go to Church (or whatever religious building you go to to pray) in order to be a good person? I mean, my mom went to Church today, but I didn't go with her. I feel kind of guilty, but I never go to Church on any other day, why should I feel obligated to only go on holidays? And if I'm forcing myself to go, isn't that worse than not going? I mean if you really don't want to be there, you shouldn't be. I feel that you can still be religious on your own. Anyone agree? Disagree?

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13th Apr, 2004 - 9:46pm / Post ID: #

Not Church

You don't need to go to church to be a good person, but I think you do need to go to Church to be a good Christian.

We go to Church for many reasons and they are different depending upon what your religion is so, it will be difficult in this thread to explain why I might think you need to go to Church.

I think you are Catholic. In order to be a good Catholic, you must go to church. That is because in order to be a good whatever you must follow the guidelines set forth by that controlling body. The Catholic church says you must attend church to be a good Catholic. In fact, I believe you must attend at least once during the Easter season in order to be considered an active Catholic.

26th Apr, 2004 - 1:19pm / Post ID: #

Church Or Not? Beliefs Religious General

I certainly wouldn't equate going to church with being a good person. For me, church is not even a place to pray. It is a place to learn, to practice, and to apply principles that will improve myself. Private prayer is much more effective (to me) than public prayer.

As an organization, whether a major denomination or an independent church, it can help individual to learn and to focus on ways to improve.

I would say that you shouldn't feel guilty about not going to church, but that you should consider whether or not it will really help you to advance. I find that improved spirituality makes everything else work better.

Post Date: 26th Apr, 2004 - 2:20pm / Post ID: #

Church Or Not?
A Friend

Not Church

im a muslim and i go to mosques on fridays our holy day, going to the prayer place is nothing to do with been good or not, but i still go because i will be in the same room who share alot of common intrests (islam) and so i get to meet new people and talk and also ask the imam anyquestions about islam ]

church is not the same because i know some people who are forced my their dad or mom to got to church, church is a place to pray, rest and learn church is a very nice place to be if you wanna pray because i heard god answers prayers comin from church or something im not sure but i would recommen that al christians do visit their church every sunday its only and hour a week that god is asking i mean u should consider your self as lucky i pray 5 times a day which i think is a bit harder

Post Date: 19th Sep, 2004 - 4:13am / Post ID: #

Church Or Not?
A Friend

Not Church

You don't have to go to church to be a good person. When I was raised as Catholic, my parents would only go to church on Easter Sunday. I think I went once for Christmas Eve. My parents did insist that I took Holy Communion and Baptism and they were pushing that on my son. I told them I just don't want to go back to Catholic, I've told them my son will be baptized & raised LDS.

19th Sep, 2004 - 5:19pm / Post ID: #

Church Or Not?

I don't go to church. I was raised Catholic and unless I was deathly ill it was required to attend church at least once a week. A really "good" Catholic goes everyday. I stopped going after my grandmother died, mostly because I realized that I was only going to make her happy. When I got married it was at a court house by a Justice of the Peace. I don't believe in a lot of the stuff I was raised with. Perhaps someday I will go back, but I don't think it will be a Catholic church. I haven't found any belief that I want to call my own, I'm not sure there is one. So for now I just call myself a Christian.

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