A couple of weeks ago, a [..] group started a page with this description, encouraging sisters to wear pants to Church last Sunday December 16th:
When you willfully rebel against the teaching of your leaders and the traditions we have as a Church, you ARE walking a very thin line and heading towards that dangerous path where there is no return (Apostasy). The leaders of our Church are inspired men by God to lead us, all that is required of us is a humble heart and obedience. There is nothing wrong with wearing pants but when we do it with a rebellious spirit or to try to "Make a point" is where we err and need to repent.
Name: Michael
Title: Women wearing pants
Comments: I agree, Chica, and I believe that is what many of these women are doing. I think that they are trying to change the Church from the bottom up instead of letting the Lord make any necessary changes from the top down. Whether women wear pants to Church or not may not be considered a very important issue, but it is a little bit like the camel getting his nose in the tent. It is just the beginning. If they are successful with this issue, then they will move on to another, more important issue next time. That's how these things work.
Name: Michael
Title: Women and pants
I agree with Michael and bcspace this group is causing a big division in the Church and I believe this is the whole purpose: They want the women to hold the priesthood! And that will never happen because this Church is led by Jesus Christ and not a bunch of feminists who think they can pressure the Church to do whatever they want! Brothers and sisters I'm very upset at all these things happening and very concerned about the example we are giving to our youth about how revelations take place.