Tonatha Introduction - Page 3 of 4

Just because you make a lot of posts in one - Page 3 - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 1st Jan, 2013 - 1:07pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Post Date: 29th Dec, 2012 - 2:11pm / Post ID: #

Diamond Author
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Tonatha Introduction - Page 3

If you do go with World of Medieval then please think about making a thief because we have a magic-user / horse watcher* and many fighters already. But just make whatever you like I'm just saying we have no thief.

* Bruconero

Contribution: Diamond Emeritus | Credit: | Gender: Female | Politics: Independent
Tenet: Christian (secular) | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Not Given | Joined: Reg. 18th Mar, 2011 - 9:45pm
Signature: Love life and living
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Post Date: 30th Dec, 2012 - 12:37am / Post ID: #

Tonatha Introduction
A Friend

Introduction Tonatha

A thief sounds great, FairMaiden. I have a fighter and a barbarian already, so the change will be welcome. I am approaching 30 posts, and I'll start getting involved in WoM. Thanks for the heads up.

Post Date: 31st Dec, 2013 - 4:16pm / Post ID: #

Tonatha Introduction
A Friend

Tonatha Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

I now have 30 posts and 100% participation and would like to take this time to request RPGer status. Thanks in advance.

Post Date: 31st Dec, 2013 - 4:28pm / Post ID: #

Tonatha Introduction
A Friend

Page 3 Introduction Tonatha

Wanted to give you a heads up that the In Game thread has been opened and game will be starting, please take a look, and thanks for adding to my game.

Post Date: 31st Dec, 2013 - 4:40pm / Post ID: #

Middle Ages Facts

Introduction Tonatha

RPGer, ye have proven thy consistency and maturity here, so ye have been granted RPGer user status by the Game Master.

Thus, ye will now be able to participate in certain Community role-playing games runned by JB that require this status. For some role-playing games thy activity STILL must be a minimum of 75% regardless of thy new found status. Our fearless GameMaster likes active Players and ye be wise to be active less he banish you to the fiery pit of a red dragon's dinner plate.

Select thy role-playing game wisely and create thy character.

Post Date: 1st Jan, 2013 - 1:50am / Post ID: #

Diamond Chief
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Tonatha Introduction

Hey, I saw you create a character for WOM. Cool that you made him a thief too because the one we had got taken by a mother wolf. Just one tip while you wait, make sure to keep your activity up so when it comes time you're not caught at like below 75%.

Contribution: Diamond Emeritus | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics: Unsure
Tenet: Christian (secular) | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Thirty Something | Joined: Reg. 18th Jan, 2009 - 9:07pm
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 1st Jan, 2013 - 6:48am / Post ID: #

Tonatha Introduction
A Friend

Tonatha Introduction - Page 3

Sure thing. I'm having a bit of trouble gauging how to keep my activity % up. I've probably posted more today than any other yet it dropped from 100 to 88%. Oh well.

On another note, FairMaiden informed me y'all were down a thief. Suits me just fine. I'm always up for what helps the party.

Post Date: 1st Jan, 2013 - 1:07pm / Post ID: #

Diamond Chief
[?] CPosts: 2,938
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Activity: 30.9%
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Charm: 26

Tonatha Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing - Page 3

Just because you make a lot of posts in one day doesn't mean it like makes up for days you didn't but you're at 96% now so you're good. It takes me loads of posts just to go up 1% and that's because there were days that I didn't post and I've been here like awhile.

Contribution: Diamond Emeritus | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics: Unsure
Tenet: Christian (secular) | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Thirty Something | Joined: Reg. 18th Jan, 2009 - 9:07pm
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