Scientology - Page 2 of 7

I will have to read more about the religion - Page 2 - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 27th May, 2008 - 3:59pm

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Top  Scientology Church of Scientology
7th Dec, 2007 - 8:34pm / Post ID: #

Scientology - Page 2

Germany is making no joke. They plan to ban Scientology for considering it a commercial enterprise.

BERLIN, Germany (AP) -- Germany's top security officials said Friday they consider the goals of Church of Scientology to be in conflict with the principles of the nation's constitution and will seek to ban the organization.

he interior ministers of the nation's 16 states plan to give the nation's domestic intelligence agency the task of preparing the necessary information to ban the organization, which has been under observation for a decade on allegations that it "threatens the peaceful democratic order" of the country.

The ministers, as well as federal Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, "consider Scientology to be an organization that is not compatible with the constitution," said Berlin Interior Minister Ehrhart Koerting, who presided over the officials' two-day conference.

Sabine Weber, President of the Church of Scientology in Berlin, said she views the renewed attempt to ban the organization as a reaction to increasing acceptance of Scientologists in several European countries.

"It is very, very clear that the true picture of what Scientology is about is pushing its way through," Weber said. "The interior ministers are clearly reacting to that."

The Scientologists have long battled to end the surveillance, saying it is an abuse of their right to freedom of religion. They point to several lower court rulings in favor of their right to practice in Germany as a religious organization.

The U.S. State Department regularly criticizes Germany in its annual Human Rights Report for the monitoring practice.

The interior ministers gave no specific examples for their decision, but the most recent annual report on extremism compiled by their agencies criticized the organization for disregarding human rights.

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Post Date: 30th Mar, 2008 - 9:22pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]


Pete Doherty 'obsessed' with Scientology

Pete Doherty is reading up on Scientology - of which Hollywood stars Tom Cruise and John Travolta are devout followers - because his lover DJ Nadine Ruddy is a believer in the religion.

Post Date: 26th Apr, 2008 - 2:12am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Scientology Beliefs Religious General

Growing Up Scientologist

The Church of Scientology is opening lavish new facilities around the globe, and it claims its membership ranks have grown to the millions - helped no doubt by the very high profile of believers like Tom Cruise and Kirstie Alley. But this expansion is in the face of a mounting wave of criticism - in online videos, and in protests across the country. Tonight on Nightline, we hear from a woman who is part of that wave. Yet her criticisms of the church are even more surprising, perhaps, given her family tree. Not only was she raised in the church - she is a niece of the church's leader. She tells us her story of her life in the church - including how she grew disillusioned, and how she reached the point when she finally left.
Ref. ABCNightline

Post Date: 26th May, 2008 - 11:32am / Post ID: #

Page 2 Scientology

Name: Anonymous

Comments: Since January of this year there has been a movement to expose Scientology for what it truly is, a profit oriented corporation. As this seems to be a religion oriented forum, it is worth stating that a profit driven entity claiming to be a religion cheapens the very idea of religion.

No arrogant claims of impending victory will be made, only an invitation to attend the next global protest of Scientology's corporate structure at your nearest Scientology building.

For more info on protests near you:

26th May, 2008 - 7:44pm / Post ID: #


Although not a follower of any organized religion myself, and usually quite neutral or even envious of religion and followers that can gain some order and comfort from it, from all the stuff I've read about Scientology and it's practices, this is, to me, perhaps one of THE most single deserving religion to be entirely annihilated in its current form, from our global culture.

Watch the Tom Cruise Scientology interview, or the one with Jason Beghe, or read Xenu.Net to find out more "fun facts" about this for-profit (in the most extreme way) "religion".

26th May, 2008 - 9:19pm / Post ID: #


How is Scientology any different from other religions that ask you for your money? All religions ask you for money at some point, I don't know any religion that will refuse your money.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 27th May, 2008 - 5:11am / Post ID: #

Scientology - Page 2

Name: Anonymous

Comments: Donations given to religious organizations are normally willing donations given to support an organization of the contributers free will. Scientology does not do this, they will charge you for everything they can.

Imagine if to become a Christian you had to buy a bible from the church, were charged for communion, charged extra for confessional, and charged $1000 to become a standing member of the church. That would sound more like a corporation run for profit, would it not?

Do not mistake the fight against Scientology as a fight against the beliefs of Scientology, the fight is with the Orwellian power structure that runs it like a corporation, suppresses discussion, intimidates detractors and former members, and has been host to numerous deaths of questionable causes.

Post Date: 27th May, 2008 - 3:59pm / Post ID: #

A Friend

Scientology General Religious Beliefs - Page 2

I will have to read more about the religion of Scientology to be more educated on it. But to say that they intimidate people who want to leave the church or to say that there has been numerous questionable deaths around the religion pretty much sums up any religion out there. There has been mysterious deaths associated with every religion I can think of.

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