Monkey Town Government Primary School
What are your reviews for the school known as Monkey Town Government Primary School?
If you have attended Monkey Town Government Primary School then please tell us what you consider to be the pros and cons of attending this school as well as their current facilities.
Anything else you feel a prospective student / parent thinking about being part of this school might like to know about Monkey Town Government Primary School?
Name: GF
Title:Same problems
Comments: New school with more problems. Cesspit smelling and the old teachers need to be replaced.
Name: Ann M
Title: Primary School Memories
Comments: I "graduated" from MTGS in 72. Benefited from dedication and commitment of some wonderful teachers: among them Principals like Mr. E. Roach and Mr. H. Mohammed; teachers like Mrs. M Simmons, Mrs. L Ragbir, Ms. N. Cayenne, Miss V Ramkissoon, Mr. N Jagessar, Mr. C. Dass. They were outstanding because of the genuine interest they showed in the children. You were not made to feel ashamed if your parents couldn't afford the text book or the socks to go with the school shoes. You were a child with potential and a future ahead of you first; the teaching of the textbook lessons came second, and our teachers were among the best nationwide. They produced scholarship winners not just within the primary school arena, but long afterwards and in fields far removed from the classrooms on Papourie Road in Monkey Town.
After almost 40 years of moving on and away, I found myself back again at MTGS, this time with the tail end of the second generation of my family. It's another story how they ended up having some of the very same teachers who tutored their parents. The building of the new school got off to a bad start and some areas still need attention; however from my observation, the legacy started by those early teachers we were privileged to have continue to this day. I trust that aspect of the character of MTGS will never be lost. God's blessings upon the teaching staff, past and present!
Source: Personal experience as a Past Student.