Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval

- D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 30th Dec, 2012 - 7:35am

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Post Date: 28th Dec, 2012 - 3:22pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval

Introduction for Character Approval
This is the thread where anybody can ask questions about my setting. This is also the place where people can post characters for approval. This is where you should make your first posts while getting your prospective character approved before you will be allowed to enter the game world in the in game thread for the "A World Beneath A World" Campaign.

How to get your character proved
Please post your drafted level 3 character. Do not fill in any gear or equipment armor or weapons rather, I would like to see a wish list of your favorite 3 magical items that you would like to see potentially turn up during the games play.

Which kind of character can I submit? Any, as long as you are ready to be active and follow the rules. We will be using Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 rule set for character generation, and I'm restricting you to only standard races for now.

So, you may pick from the following list for your race: Please take level adjustments into account.
Dwarves, Hill
Dwarves, Gray
Dwarves, Deep
Dwarves, Mountain
Elves, High
Elves, Wild
Elves, Wood
Gnomes, Rock
Gnomes, Forest
Halflings, Lightfoot
Dark elf", Drow

Important Notes
Take into consideration the level adjustment for some of the listed races as your total level must equal 3.

Also understand that every nation's population was devastated around 100 years ago, so if you're going to be playing a long livid or slow aging race you will likely be young, or a war veteran, or one of the few children who survived during the war and adjust barely an adult. Likewise if you're playing a short-lived race taken consideration how many generations it's been since your forefathers survived the war. My best advice is just try to stick to the setting.

I will ask for information about your equipment after your character has been approved. Your character should have the standard information regarding class, race, gender, age, physical appearance, stats, abilities, skills, spells, feats, alignment and a detailed back story of how you came to be or why you are in the capital city of Florana, wetlands you hail from, what profession or kind of life you lead, and your political views on the new Crown Prince.

In the beginning, we will stick to the standard classes. In the future, things might change. Thank you in advance to all the people that will want to post here.

EXAMPLE: Character Stats

This is how you should display your character information in the field:

Kittnepunk's Dungeons & Dragons game/ NPCs.

Name, Race, Class level
Alinement, (God)
Physical description

[Strength] ## (#)
[Dexterity] ## (#)
Con ## (#)
Int ## (#)
[Wisdom] ## (#)
[Charisma] ## (#)
HP ##
Range #
Melee #
Initiative #
Base Attack #
Fort #
Reflex #
Will #
Armor #
List racial abilities
And feats

Coin: 0P, 0G, 0S, 0C
Equipment only the supplies you have within the dungeon.

NPC notes:
Strength:12(1) Fortitude:+3
Dexterity:17(3) Reflex:+6
Constitution:14(2) Will:+4
Intelligence:14(2) Initiative:+3
Wisdom:16(3) Melee:+3
Charisma:16(3) Ranged:+5

Appraise 4 + 2 = 6
Craft 4 + 2 = 6
Diplomacy 2+3=5
Decipher script 4 + 2 = 6
Disable device 4 + 2 = 6
Escape artist 4 + 4 = 8
Gather information 6 + 3 = 9
Hide 4 + 4 = 8
Knowledge local 4 + 2 = 6
Listen 5 + 3 = 8
Move silently 4 + 4 = 8
Open lock 4 + 4 = 8
Perform 4 + 3 = 7
Search 7 + 2 = 9
Sense motive 4 + 3 = 7
Sleight of hand 4 + 4 = 8
Spot 1 + 3 = 4

+1 Cold iron Ghost-touch Sickle (Spiders webs carved into handle)
Cloak of Resistance +3 (Gray [with] elements symbols)
2 pieces of chalk
2 days worth of rations
1 ink pen
1 leather armband, broken
2 spears
1 wooden dish
2 glowing ore
0g 0 s 3c

Bard, half ork,
Coming soon

1 spear.

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Post Date: 28th Dec, 2012 - 6:22pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval
A Friend

Approval Character RPG Dragons and Dungeons

Class: Fighter
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good

Gender: Male
Age: 31
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6"1"
Weight: 180

Description, back story, and political views:

Other than his rather large size, Rudiger is an extremely plain looking individual. He stands taller than most of the citizens in Florana. Well, that is when he rarely ventures from his smithy. Unfortunately, he is even less charming than he is plain-looking. Not even his huge arms and broad chest can counter-act these effects and entice the ladies, but Rudiger has learned to live and be quite happy alone. He hammer pounding upon the hot steel and it's hiss back at him once placed in water was the only conversation that mattered. The only company he needed.

His great-grandfather, Hakon had been primarily a blacksmith and when necessary, a formidable warrior in Hundred Year's War. He had survived at least and deserved credit for that. But when Hakon had tried to put his life back together after the war, he found he no longer could handle the sight of weapons and armor. It brought back the awful memories he tried and failed to forget. He instead crafted trinkets and toys for the children of Florana, spreading joy and distraction as a city rose out of Co-Stay's ashes. And made a decent living at it too.

Askell-Hakon's son, Rudiger's grandfather- grew up happy and never went to bed hungry. This is how Hakon had wanted it because he wanted to shield his child from his nightmares. Askell went on to father children as well, and those children also grew up hearing great-and often exaggerated-deeds of their grandfather. One of the Askell's children, Ulf, resented the softness of his father. Once he was grown, he often referred to his father as a woman, and thriving off of Hakon's legend, Ulf rekindled the forge and became a great metalsmith in his own right. He also learned how to use those weapons. Ulf resolutely decided that he would not let his children grow up as softly as he had been raised. He only had one child. Rudiger. Ulf was hard on Rudiger, but Rudiger learned the way of the forge and sword. However, this left Rudiger quite bitter, short-tempered, and an unintentionally awkward and self-alienating person.

At this point, Rudiger finds himself quite indifferent to the politics of Florana. Rudiger enjoyed the tax rate better under the old King, but he had had his forge broken into a couple of times. With the brutes the Ivan has policing the streets, he felt thieves would be too terrified to break the law. And while he is not one who likes his privileges taken away, Rudiger is not one who leaves he forge that often anyway. The new changes really haven't affected his lifestyle that much. Rudiger is gruff and short with people, but he really is quite trusting until he has been burned. Ivan or his laws has yet to burn Rudiger.

Hp: 32
BAB: 3

Fort: 3+3= 6
Ref: 1+2= 3
Will: 1+0= 1

Str: 16 (3)
Dex: 14 (2)
Con: 16 (3)
Int: 12 (1)
Wis: 11 (0)
Cha: 9 (-1)


Climb 6 + 3 = 9
Craft (weaponsmithing) 6 + 1 = 7
Jump 6 + 3 = 9
Ride 3 + 2 = 5
Swim 3 + 3 = 6
Tumble 0 + 2 + 2 (synergy) = 4
Appraise 0 + 1 + 2 (synergy on weapons) = 3


Armor proficiency light
Armor proficiency medium
Armor proficiency heavy
Simple weapon proficiency
Martial weapon proficiency
Shield proficiency
Tower shield proficiency


Power attack
Weapon focus (bastard sword)
Exotic weapon proficiency (bastard sword)---- I know a bastard sword is quite a weapon, but I figured with my back story and taking this feat it shouldn't be an issue. Let me know if a bastard sword is out of the question because I will take another two feats)

Languages: Common

Reconcile Edited: Tonatha on 28th Dec, 2012 - 6:52pm

28th Dec, 2012 - 8:56pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Character:Matthias Harrington Player:FoxRogue
Classes:Rogue Level:3
Race:Half-elf Alignment:Chaotic Good
Hit Points:21 Base Attack Bonus:+2
Height: 5'3" Weight 110

Strength:12(1) Fortitude:+3
Dexterity:18(4) Reflex:+7
Constitution:14(2) Will:+4
Intelligence:14(2) Initiative:+4
Wisdom:16(3) Melee:+3
Charisma:16(3) Ranged:+6

Appraise 4 + 2 = 6
Craft 4 + 2 = 6
Decipher script 4 + 2 = 6
Disable device 4 + 2 = 6
Escape artist 4 + 4 = 8
Gather information 6 + 3 = 9
Hide 4 + 4 = 8
Knowledge local 4 + 2 = 6
Listen 5 + 3 = 8
Move silently 4 + 4 = 8
Open lock 4 + 4 = 8
Perform 4 + 3 = 7
Search 7 + 2 = 9
Sense motive 4 + 3 = 7
Sleight of hand 4 + 4 = 8
Spot 1 + 3 = 4

Armor proficiency light
Nimble Fingers
Simple weapon proficiency
Trap sense
Sneak attack
Weapon finesse


Matthias was orphened as a babe in one of the ports. He had a birthmarks on his arm similar to a noble house of the drow. The captain of the merchant vessal Fearless, Captain Stephanie Harrington took the babe as her own, raising the lad on the sea and teaching him several languages of the land. He stood out often with his white hair and violet eyes. He lookes like he is 16, but he is actually over a century in age. He got bored with the life of a merchant at sea and decided to find his birth parents. Matt doesn't really care about politics, and is only heading to Florina to discover his roots, hoping that the archives there would shed some light on the mark on his arm he has had since he could remember.

Post Date: 29th Dec, 2012 - 12:16am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval
A Friend

Approval Character RPG Dragons and Dungeons

I am going to wait to approve any characters, till after I get the religions posted, and can give your proposals a good look over.

If you have any questions about the game please feel free to also use this thread for that.

Post Date: 29th Dec, 2012 - 6:03am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval
A Friend

Approval Character RPG Dragons and Dungeons

Some Notes:
When you roll for HP you may re-roll 1s

Tonatha (Rudiger) needs another language, please add one. Everything else seems fairly reasonable. Abilities would cost 34 points on the point-buy system, but some details will change once you get armor/weapons- if/when you get any. I approve you character background for having the Bastard Sword Proficiency and Weapon Focus. But, before I say you have passed, please revue the posts on religions, encase this changes your mind on anything, or there is anything you wish to add. The post on religions will be up in a couple of hours, giving it the final check over right now. Also change your Wis to a "12 (1)" unless you do not want this. Please make all the changes and re-post the sheet, no need to repose back story you make changes to it. You may wish to wait to post your corrections till after deciding to add a god or not.

FoxRogue (Matthias) base stats seem a little on the high side, but this is ok, if you do not mind can you change your roll of 18 (4)to a 17 (3) just to make things a bit more balanced. With the point-buy system, it would cost 52 points to get those scores. According to the DMG, a high-Powered Campaign should buy on a "Budget" of 32 points. I would expect that home-rolled stats be a little higher I just don't want anyone to over powered. Thank you for your co-operation. The lowering of that stat will lower his Reflex save, weapon attack modifiers, and some of his skill check scores, bringing your total points "Score" down to 49. I want every ones scores fall with in the 30s to 40s.

You also only spent 58 of 60 skill points. You will need to buy up 2 more ranks in class skills or 1 cross-class skill. Again, some details may change based on weapon/armor choices- if/when you get any.

Again, I will have the Gods and Goddesses up soon.

Reconcile Edited: KittenPunk on 29th Dec, 2012 - 6:04am

Post Date: 29th Dec, 2012 - 10:19pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval

Rudiger Falken

Class: Fighter
Race: Human
Level: 3
Alignment: Neutral Good

Gender: Male
Age: 31
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6"1"
Weight: 180

Hp: 32
BAB: 3

Str: 16 (3)
Dex: 14 (2)
Con: 16 (3)
Int: 12 (1)
Wis: 12 (1)
Cha: 9 (-1)

Fort: 3+3= 6
Ref: 1+2= 3
Will: 1+1= 2


Climb 6 + 3 = 9
Craft (weaponsmithing) 6 + 1 = 7
Jump 6 + 3 = 9
Ride 3 + 2 = 5
Swim 3 + 3 = 6
Tumble 0 + 2 + 2 (synergy) = 4
Appraise 0 + 1 + 2 (synergy on weapons) = 3


Armor proficiency light
Armor proficiency medium
Armor proficiency heavy
Simple weapon proficiency
Martial weapon proficiency
Shield proficiency
Tower shield proficiency


Power attack
Weapon focus (bastard sword)
Exotic weapon proficiency (bastard sword


Magical Items wishlist:

Gloves of swimming and climbing
Bottle of Air
Cloak of resistance +(as high as you"ll give me!)

Reconcile Edited: Tonatha on 29th Dec, 2012 - 10:20pm

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Post Date: 29th Dec, 2012 - 10:49pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval

Thank you for the magic items wish list, this is important information to me as it give me in-site on you and what your little geeky [heart] fantasizes about. laugh.gif

And, I am sorry for my delay with the update to the settings, with the information about the gods and goddesses. My "Behind the seen" co-DM gave me some feed back on them and I decided to re-draft some of them. I also added 2 more. I'm working over the document before I will post it. I am taking my time to triple check it having already noticed some missed typos on my world information thread.

Post Date: 30th Dec, 2012 - 7:35am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Character Approval D&D / Pathfinder Archive

FoxRogue, Matthias
The birth mark on you is in an easily visible spot, (please pick between left upper chest, and left upper back on shoulder blade). It is in the shape of an hourglass, much like the symbol found on the underside of a Black Widow spider, this is known commonly to be the symbol of the royal house of the Drow Kingdom.

Commoners born with any type of mark like it have often been monitored very closely by the Drows royal family. If they prove themselves to be worthy this often has lead them to be given status and offered political favor, sometimes leading to eligibility to wed into the royal house. (Believed to be the goddess favoring this person.) When they have been born with this mark and proven themselves unworthy the royal family has been known to slaughter commoners bearing this mark. (believed to be the goddess marking them for death.) One of your old shipmates- the one eyed old peet, and cook on your beloved home vessel. One time suggested to you on a drunken night of banter and deeply mead fed theoretical talks, that you could be one of two things in his eye. Either the illegitimate bastard son born of an affair between a Royle Drow and a Human, or a commoner born with a mark whose mother felt you would be never worthy and killed if discovered to have that little thing on your left (blank) but old Peet's logic was always drunk even when he was sober so you might of paid it little mind.

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