Query: Before I write up a character and backstory, I would like to know If I can build a dual class; I.e. Fighter/Sorceress. You have made no distinction as to what you wish in that area, so I will wait for your response before I build.
KittenPunk, I wanted to join your scenario but I wanted to know if you have a character generator that I can use to create my character here? If you don't have, it is OK to use another generator form another DM?
Completely fine to use a generator of any kind, just make it for level 3 in the 3.5 rules. You don't need to worry a bout items and equipment however.
And, when you are done I'll go over it with a fine toothed comb, before passing it encase there's any flaws or changes I might need you to make, just like id did with the others.
From he look of it we have a fighter and half, a rouge, and a half a caster. I do not know what you like to play, but I put up a lot of information (with miner mistakes) in a settings thread, please take a look, and lets get you on the path to joining the game.
"And this makes 4"
Name: Felipe
Race: Human
Starting Class: Fighter
Alignment 1
Religion: None
Strength 15 + 2
Dexterity 13 + 1
Constitution 10 + 0
Intelligence 14 + 2
Wisdom 13 + 1
Charisma 14 + 2
Base Attack Bonus 1
Fortitude Save 2
Will Save 0
Reflex Save 0
HitPoints 10
ArmourBonus 0
ArmourIndex -1
ShieldIndex -1
Climb: 1
Diplomacy: 1
Disable Device: 1
Gather Information: 1
Handle animal: 1
Heal: 1
Hide: 1
Intimidate: 1
Jump: 1
Listen: 2
Ride: 1
Spot: 2
Swim: 1
Use magic device: 1
Use rope: 1
Armor proficiency light: 1
Armor proficiency medium: 1
Armor proficiency heavy: 1
Dodge: 1
Martial weapon proficiency: 1
Power attack: 1
Shield proficiency: 1
Simple weapon proficiency: 1
Tower shield proficiency: 1
You said you will handle the items and equipment right?
Did you draft this for level 3? At fist glance it looks level one to me.
You need to pick an alignment
You can pick form:
Neutral good
Neutral evil
Lawful neutral
Lawful good
Lawful evil
Chaotic neutral
Chaotic good
Chaotic evil
Please change your Constitution (10 + 0) in to a (11 +1)
Its going to take me a little while to look over the other details, I will let you know my findings soon as I can. There may be small delay as I'm going to a party tonight.
Yes I will be covering items and equipment.
From you I need the [following].
Weapon of choice.
What your clothing consists of on an average day. (Fair weather.)
If you ever keep any items hidden on you and if so what items and where, and how well are they hidden, and why do you keep them hidden at all.
I need to know 1 type of monster your character would have nightmares about as a kid and witch you never want - hope to see in your life.
I also need your back story and why you are in the capital city .
To FoxRogue and Tonatha:
FoxRogue thank you, please proceed to in game thread. Same for you Tonatha, you both may join the in game thread whenever you like, please read the opening carefully (despite 2 already noticed miner typos).
My character wears a grey cloak with boots when the weather is fair, his weapon is a sword, his father taught him how to use a sword when he younger, he hides his gold pieces on his pocket deeply just to make sure it is hard for others to steal them.
When he was a child, he used to see these terrible 3 headed dragons that tries to kill him in his nightmares, and in every dream he sees those creatures, but he doesn't understand what was the purpose of those dreams.
Felipe is not into religion but he believes he should respect every religion, but that doesn't mean he is a member of that religion.
He came to this city because he wanted to buy some stuff there, get some stuff, and rest in there as well.
I made some mistakes on the character sheet, I will edit it here.
Name: Felipe
Race: Human
Starting Class: Fighter (level 3)
Religion: None
Alignment: Neutral good
Strength 15 + 2
Dexterity 13 + 1
Constitution 11 +1
Intelligence 14 + 2
Wisdom 13 + 1
Charisma 14 + 2
Base Attack Bonus 1
Fortitude Save 2
Will Save 0
Reflex Save 0
HitPoints 10
ArmourBonus 0
ArmourIndex -1
ShieldIndex -1
Climb: 1
Diplomacy: 1
Disable Device: 1
Gather Information: 1
Handle animal: 1
Heal: 2
Hide: 1
Intimidate: 1
Jump: 1
Listen: 2
Ride: 1
Spot: 2
Swim: 1
Use magic device: 1
Use rope: 1
Open lock: 2
Armor proficiency light: 1
Armor proficiency medium: 1
Armor proficiency heavy: 1
Alertness: 1
Combat reflexes: 1
Dodge: 1
Iron will: 1
Martial weapon proficiency: 1
Power attack: 1
Shield proficiency: 1
Simple weapon proficiency: 1
Tower shield proficiency: 1
Is this all correct? Edited: Felipe on 31st Dec, 2013 - 6:29pm