Out of Game:
The initiative rolls are not in play yet they will come in to play if combat starts which it might and might not in the next room I just wanted to have them ahead of time. The secret rolls came in to affect determining who discovers what at what point in the post. Enjoy.
Order in to the water
Vigo Zar
In Game:
The water:
The cold water is brisk as each member takes the plunge and is quickly swept up in the tide, the fast pace of the water makes swimming with it more an act of navigating the rock walls and less an act of adding thrust the water moves swiftly threw the narrowing under stone passage the breath must remain held as the water grows darker and darker with the lack of a light source, as the light from the room they had entered from fades in to the shadows of stone, a light begins to form in the distance ahead its weak and hardly penetrates the water but the group holds their breath as they individually one by one swim toward the light.
The water goes from fast to faster and the dim light from vague to brilliant as they are spit one by one out of a hole in the rock face over a large pool. The water pouring in like a waterfall of a faucet left on.
As the group lands in the pool of water they can feel the light draw of downward current knowing there must be an exit for the water somewhere beneath the surface of the pool.
A large shimmering white light emanates from a diamond shaped shard suspended by iron and chain anchored in to the cave roof over head. It hangs like a pendulum over the center of the pool its light as brilliant as the sun. As each in the group is shot from the underwater passage way falling in to the pool they gasp for breath and after surfacing can quickly spot a shore like line on the far side of the pool.
In the center of the large pool of water is a round moss covered stone. It dots the surface of the otherwise flat water's surface. Small ripples splash out from the waterfall to the shore line and a cave entrance can be seen just past the shore. A large rock seems to be blocking most of the cave opening.
As the group all land in the pool they give a quick look around checking that each other is there while heads bob as they tread water.
Yaeth lands, his head comes bobbing out on the surface area of a large underground pool, quickly behind him splash lands Alexander who also surfaces.
Izumi gives a cannonball sending a wave of water over Alexander's head and then bobs up next to him; they both give a quick paddle out of the way realizing the rest of the group will be landing on their heads if they do not.
With a splash, Haru lands in the pool the water from his landing momentarily is in the eyes of his mother and the others, another splash is herd that must have been Matt as he landed. The first of the group wipe the water from their faces in time to see Proas and Felipe come out the water duct and plopping down in a double splash in to the water filled room. As they surface Vigo Zar comes barreling out of the waterway nearly landing on Felipe's head with a resounding splash fallowed swiftly by Elrik with the last splash landing in to the deep water.
Vigo fails to swim and is swept out under the water. Vigo is stuck under the water longer than any of his new found friends.
The group looks around and suddenly Felipe, Matt, and Yaeth, spot that Haru and Vigo are not among the many heads bobbing on the open water.
Matt gives a call "Haru!" and quickly takes deep breath diving below the waves in search for the boy.
Praos asks, "Where is that new comer?!" in a tone of distress.
At the same time Izumi, and Alexander both think they noticed something like a shadow under the water move on the far side of the lake even if only for a moment.
Yaeth and Elrik feel something beneath the water brush against their feet it was cold and felt large.
Vigo fails to manage the currents of the underwater passageway perhaps it was the brisk cold of the water or getting slammed in to a rock under the water but he struggles to hold his breath, finally when shot from the opening he gasps for air while landing but gets a lung full of water. He is slowing drowning in the pool of water on the edge of unconsciousness he thinks he sees a something in the water with him, and then everything fades to black. (Hopefully you get saved before drowning.)
Out of Game:
Incase Combat starts order will be
Alexander 22
Monster X 21
Izumi 18
Matt 18
Haru 16
Felipe 15
Praos 13
Elrik 12
Yaeth 9
Vigo Zar 3
Characters not shown on map are beneath water.
Edited: KittenPunk on 12th Apr, 2013 - 6:26am
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 RPG Main Game (Hover)
Alexander swears loudly as he dives under the water and attempts to rescue Vigo. He leaves his sword secured, but grips his dagger in his teeth, ready for use in case of attack.
Out of Game: Swim : 9 + 5 =14
Out of Game:
Felipe, no need to "Go back in the water" as you are still in it.
The large blue area on the map is all Deep water. You are treading water on the surface the place you came from is the waterfall over head making the water churn.
You will need to make a swim and a search check for the actions you want to take in helping to dive under the water and hope to find your missing friends.
Alexander, I need a search check along with your swim roll you already made.
Same rolls for any one who plains the same type of action.
In Game: Felipe will try his best to try and find Vigo Zar as fast as he can before he drowns in the deep water.
Swim check: 4 - (4 + 1= 5)
Search check: 15 - (15 + 2 = 17)
Edited: Felipe on 12th Apr, 2013 - 10:02pm
Alexander swears loudly as he dives under the water and attempts to rescue Vigo. He leaves his sword secured, but grips his dagger in his teeth, ready for use in case of attack.
Out of Game: Swim : 9 + 5 =14
Search : 16 + 2 = 18
In Game:
Alexander dives under the water in search for Vigo. He swims downward and sees the man unconscious, arms and lags spread slowly sinking, being pulled by the water in to the deep.
Out of Game:
You have found him if you wish to grab him before swimming back up please do so I leave the description of your successful rescue to your own words.
In Game:
Felipe seems to be out of his element in the water and despite best try at diving beneath the water in search he can barely keep his own head a float. He manages to hold his breath and look down in tot he water but can see little more the a large shadow moving beneath the group.
Elrik swiftly dives under the water and swims down ward hoping to ketch sight of Haru or Vigo.
What his finds is Matt attempting to swim the unconscious body of pore Haru toward the surface.
Matt see you and a look of relief is on his face Breath held tightly.
Something moves. A shadow? No, larger, darker, slick and huge.
A burst of air and bubbles come from Matt's mouth a look of pain and shock as he is grabbed beneath the water by a large tentacle. Matt's only action he can muster before falling unconscious from lack of air is to push Haru's limp body toward Elrik.
To the group at the surface of the water, large cluster of bubbles comes rushing upward near the party.
"That's not good" a thought washes over the collective thoughts of the party.