In Game:
Zen bids his leave and departs out of the room and down the wide halls of his home.
As he leaves he adds. "It may be early but rest all that you can. I will wake you fairly early tomorrow." And, with that he is gone.
The group relaxes. Some take naps others work on small things to pass the time as night fall is still hours a way. It is hard to tell time down here.
Haru sits playing with the magic box after putting the rug in to the bag of holding.
Matt and Elrik start a game of chess, using the dusty old peaces and board that had sat on a caved in tot he wall shelf.
Praos takes a nap after gorging himself on cake, from Holly's new blanket item.
Eventually everyone turns in for the night to get a good rest.
During the time before dinner, Izumi will attempt to explore the cave a bit while being considerate of Zens 'home'. She will also spend a bit of the time to commune with Whisp as to how s/he feels about the journey and what Whisp is about.
During dinner, Izumi will feast upon Octopus steak, and cake(It is not a lie).
After dinner, Izumi will take some time to go into the journal she had written the blood quotes in, and try to map out through memory the path the group has gone and the things they've encountered until now.
(Out of Character: I'm guessing you'd like an intelligence roll for the mapping, so...15+2=17)
Izumi attempts to explore the cave a bit.
The large arched halls was 20 foot wide and the one or 2 small rooms with 5 foot wide none door covered archways for entrances resemble rooms much like the one you came from heavy rungs on the floor and little more then make shift camps.
Izumi is walking quietly and as she moves down one of the main passageways she stops when she hears a sound.
She can only pick up half of the conversation.
"I don't know if I want to leave you yet."
"They are good people you will be best off traveling with them, I can do no more for you." You recognize this to be Zens voice.
"But there is so many of them and." You can't make out the rest.
"Alright." Said Zen a moment later.
Heading back toward the room she takes a moment to commune with Whisp.
"Is nots my places to talk of things, you are my handler so I gos where you gos." Whisp hisses. "I ams onlys heres to helps as I was asked to." His voice is even and normal.
Later when attempting to make the map Izumi finds that it is much harder to make a map from memory but a ruffly outlined one of the know spaces they did travel threw is created in her book this time in ink. She leaves blank passageways intersections off the path they took knowing knot where they lead in the spider infested cave area and gave approximations to the length traveled based off the time they where underwater in the fast past flow of the stream.
A real map maker might of scoffed at the pore rendering of the map, but down here its is a fine and usable draft of work.
Eventually everyone turns in for the night to get a good rest.
The group is woken by the sound of Zens deep and lightly frosty voice. "Time to wake."
The group wakes slowly whipping the sleep from there eyes and gathering there items near them. It quickly is noticed on the party that Elrik is not in the room with them.
In Game: Felipe gets up with a sleepy face and he rubs his eyes and he says "Morning already?" Then he sees Zen and the others and now gets up and looks around, to his surprise he notices that Elrik is not around with the party and Felipe says to the party "Hey, where's Elrik?".
In Game:
Zen states in an even tone. "Your friend will not be joining you for now. He and I ended up talking last night after he woke and came to find me. He asked that I tell you of this as he did not want long goodbys."
Out of Game:
Seeing as the player playing him has not came back but did inform me before he left he would be gone, I am removing him from game in a way where if the player ever returns he can [catch] back up with the group after spending some time with the dragon. I have [plans] in the works so don't be to alarmed out of game about losing the cleric.
Holly scratches her forehead and ponders, "Well... This is going to be fun." She puts her stuff together and smiles, "I guess you will need a good scout? Hmm... With the halls so dark, maybe a hand of glory or a way to see in the dark would be a wonderful way for me to be the best scout ever." She makes a note to herself about the abilities she lacks to be the perfect terror of the darkness. She sighs, "That was a perfect image, a caped crusader prattling on be the terror that flaps in the night and the gum beneath their shoes. One day, maybe."