"Any chance is better than no chance", says Izumi. "We could just try piling the bones, but I'm sure the door will shut without any resistance there. Can anyone come up with anything else?"
"I'm not trying to put down others ideas, but since this is pretty much suppose to be a death trap, we should be suspect of everything," Matt replies, "As for traps, maybe a dart trap, or a pit."
Elrik not having much love of the idea of disturbing the dead is still pragmatic enough to realize it is a good idea. "She is right. We can be of no help to his earthly shell it is void of life, but in his death he can help all of us escape and in return find his own freedom from this hole."
"I will get the body but before I go there is one other option we can consider. We can tie some of the old rags from the corpses under the tunnels and place them in the fountain and have the rags hang to the spots on the tunnels. The rags will soak moisture out of the fountains at a slow rate keeping the area moist. Hopefully moist enough to stay open, I do not know. But we should use the body just to cover ourselves in case it does not work."
Ja"lron looks at his group to see what they think. If nothing is said he will quickly go and move the orc to the area by the stairs.
Direct action: drag Half-orc near the opening with the stairs
Just the body?
Bones to?
Do yo do the thing with the rags?
I will make a d100% roll, after you all have made up your minds with whatever your trying to see if any of it works. In this case the dice, my dice, will be the determining factor, but the more or better the action taken, the higher the "Low% chance" will be.
Elrik will move the bones and body. And while moving the bodies take the rags and clothes and old sacks and tie them together to stretch from the fountain to the doors. He will soak them in the fountains before laying them out so the water will pull at the base.
"I do not know much about traps but can we wedge the larger leg bones into the tops of the doors to keep them from sliding down?"
Action taken: move the bodies and bones. Collect the rags and old sacks. Tie them together in three long strands. Soak them in the fountain. Then hang them from the fountain to the bottom of the three doors. Leaving some of the material in the fountain. This should draw water at a slow constant rate.
As you put the socked rags down and the water touches the floor at the doors, they open one by one. When all 3 are open at the same time the hallway door opens as per normal. You put bones and body in to the hallway door opening.
Do you put bones in the openings of the other 3 doors?
What is the order you go down the steps?
Has any one got there glowing stones out to use as candle light?