Izumi looks into the room exasperated, "Why in the nine hells did he go in there? It was clearly marked with an "X". She then looks to the others who've come over to search for Rudiger also, "What shall we do with him? We have no rope, we can't pull him out safely. Do we even try?
"I don't know" Felipe says to Izumi, "We will need rope to get down there to reach Rudiger but we don't have rope, it will be a risk going down there without it and get killed by those things but we can't just leave Rudiger there". Edited: Felipe on 30th Jan, 2013 - 7:02pm
Yet to be noticed Krusten listens in from the other side of the room.
And, still well hidden in the yet to be searched room, Praos to has a ear out encase he can discern anything, while remaining hidden and safe.
A mans voice sounding more wise then panicked can be herd.
"That scream was loud anyone down here knows we are here now."
And another with a deeper sound adds in.
"Nothing more we can do to help him, see if hes got anything useful if you want, but I'm moving on."
A woman's voice with a air of panic in the tone speaks, and in a place like this with little to no background sounds the stone walls carry the voices well.
"Why in the nine hells did he go in there? It was clearly marked with an "X". What shall we do with him? We have no rope, we can't pull him out safely. Do we even try?"
A mans tone chimes in next with a comment.
"I don't know. We will need rope to get down there to reach Rudiger but we don't have rope, it will be a risk going down there without it and get killed by those things but we can't just leave Rudiger there".
Krusten can see 2 men and the woman are still distracted by the other room way, off to the side of the hall.
Praos can hear a single set of footsteps approaching his room he is hiding in, the shadow outline of a tall man is slowly cast on the wall as he draws near.
Matthias walks up to the chalk writing just before the room marked "Safe, disarmed". As he stands there reading, Praos can see him from the back about 15 foot a way. The tall thin man wheres a blade on his hip. A well made hooded cape of master quality. And, you can identify his race to be half elf, possibly half dark elf from the color of his hair despite having light colored skin.
When he turns his head looking back down the hall way to where his comrades are located also paying heed to there discussion, you can see he has his hair over his face half way in a very odd way.
Matthias then scouts back toward the group. "We could take are belts and hook them together, maybe some of are clothing too, to make a strong enough rope substitute. Then we could lower one of us down. I don't think any of us could pull him up, but at the very least we could get that 1 days worth more of food. And, maybe his water skin with that wells healing spring water, before it is no longer magical and is just plain water again."
Krusten, hears this last statement in the distance too. Praos is hiding still unnoticed only 15 foot away from where Matthias stands and can clearly hear that the group is trying to work out something together using teamwork. Edited: KittenPunk on 31st Jan, 2013 - 12:59am
In Character: Confused by what all this means and not hearing a response to her call Krusten decides to carefully examine her surroundings and the area leading towards the confused bunch to see if she can make it to them without setting off any trap.
Spot: 3+8 = 11
Search: 17+3 = 20
You search over the floor with your eyes, till you have worked out a safe path to step along to navigate threw the spear taped long room. You know the moment you enter the room from your hiding place on the other side the group is likely to spot you. They where distracted enough with another situation to have messed you call out, but perhaps your soft worded call was lost in the panic of them dealing with a dead comrade. It remains up to you when you wish to press foreword and reveal your presence.
Deeming it safe enough Krusten goes towards the group. Knowing that her presence might startle them she says softly, "Hello, Hello..." until they acknowledge her and she will continue, "Are you as lost as I am?"
As she draws closer she will try to make out what the group is about and what threats they may be. She will also look for anything unusual about the place they stand.
Spot: 17+8 = 25
Search: 9+3 = 12
To the group:
Movment, the sound of footsteps and the soft sound of words calling out. Do any of you notice the woman walking threw the spear room?
To Krusten:
One man with blond hair has a long spiked chain in hand. The other man has a thin blade on his hip. The woman with her long black dreadlocks has a pile of spears on the ground next to her ,and a long sword of exceptional quality on one of her hands.
To Stefflabunny:
Iuzmi hears a soft hissing voice, it is Whisp. "Someones coming, listen." The snake lifting its head flicks it tong at the air a bit before settling back-down a round your neck.
From what Praos can tell from the conversation being carried by the walls, the group must have lost one of their members and [are thinking] of a way to retrieve the corpse. This is a good sing for him, since most of the people left in here would simply avoid getting themselves in risk trying to get the corpse of a fallen comrade.
He [spent] some time contemplating on his next move. He decides that it would be better for him to end this quickly. Either he would find some companions to ease the travel through this winding maze or he would have a fight on his hands. Just to be safe he scans the room for a quick exit, tightens the gloves on his fists and stands up.
"Hi there stranger ." he says to the tall man that is standing in front of him .