I'm pretty sure most of us heard a crazy mission story but I think this is probably one of the weirdest and craziest story of them all.
This for me is unrealistic. Are we living in the times of Jacob where we just look at someone, find them attractive and marry them? What about the preparation involved in securing a home and income to raise a family. Assuming that the missionary in this story was well off I cannot see this as being sensible. It will also give rise to other missionaries thinking about this possibility WHILE on their missions.
Name: Michael
Title: Crazy Mission Story
Comments: I didn't see anywhere in the story where anyone prayed to ask the Lord His opinion of such a momentous decision. I remember hearing Elder Bruce R. McConkie give a talk at BYU wherein he said that he made one mistake when he got married and that was that he didn't pray and ask the Lord about it first. He said that luckily he married the right person anyway but recommended that everyone pray and ask the Lord about their decision. He said that the most important thing that we ever do is to marry the right person, in the right place, and by the right authority.
I read another story about Mark's [..] girlfriend who prayed about marrying him and was told in no uncertain terms not to do so. She broke up with him, and he ended up marrying someone else, who apparently did not pray about it. Mark [..] was a returned missionary.
Elder Bruce R. McConkie? Really? I would never guessed that him (of all people) didn't pray in such an important decision. Maturity? Mike good observation about the fact that there is no mention of prayer in that story.