Lds Astrology / Horoscopes
I used to be fascinated about Horoscopes when I was younger, I always liked the mythical part of things but then when someone pointed out that the Church believes those things are from Satan and have scripture back-up for it, I totally abandoned the idea. Nowdays, we find many faithful LDS members who describe themselves as being 'Aquarius' or 'Cancer' or Gemini', some of them do not know what the Church thinks about these things (In all my years in the Church I have never heard a talk in sacrament meeting about it). I think it would be very useful if they do because some people are involved with these kind of things and they are not aware of. By the other hand, some LDS members knowing is wrong they do not listen the words of the Prophets and admit they do read the horoscopes and stuff and it is just an 'innocent' kind of thing. Is there an innocent purpose on Satan's work?.
I found this interesting article about it in lds.og. I will try to put here the most interesting parts and then you can read the whole thing online:
I have to admit I have read a lot about horoscopes mostly my own. It seams that every religion has there version of the pat blessing. Horoscopes are completely based on your personality and your future. You should already know your personality. And if you read them all you can put yourself in any one of them. You can find a trait in each one of them that fits your personality. And a lot of them fit most people. It is like a psychic asking if you have a pet or have had one in the past. 99.9% of the population has. If half of those started with a gg sound and the 40% of them started with an ss sound. And the last of them had the sound of bb sound. Then you start out with the gg sound then the ss then the bb and you will hit on one of them. After 10 trys you can come up with a close name. After that you are a psychic and you can tell them what ever you want. Same concept with the horoscopes. I have seen people not come to work because their scope says it will be a bad day for them.
I have seen people not come to work because their scope says it will be a bad day for them. |
Heh. I got the point long before you went into the 12 point list (odd... you listed 12 items? Coincidence?). Zodiac stuff has never made much sense. What makes even less sense, slightly off topic but still talking about zodiac stuff, is that in the Chinese Zodiac the dragon is the only fictional animal (unless you use the Hebrew version of the word, but there's already a snake on there). That's never made sense to me.
It's odd that we have all of this, and yet there's not many theories on animals beyond reincarnation. I have a few of my own (tied loosely around LDS teachings too), but I'll not let this go off topic at the moment.
One of the interesting things about the modern astrologers is this: Pick up any newspaper or magazine with current horoscopes, and compare it to another. They will be substantially different from each other on any given day/week. So how can they all be true? Ridiculous. And they are so vague, anyway, that there is always someone, somewhere, who can relate to something said in *any* of the horoscopes for that day. Which is why a lot of newspapers post them in the section for "entertainment."
I once "had my chart done" by a man who was a friend of my husband's. He claimed that a good astrologer could tell which one of a set of identical twins had a hidden birth mark just by looking at the alignment of the planets at their time of birth. It was all very interesting, but I surely wouldn't bet my life on it.
QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 24-Sep 04, 6:38 AM) |
I used to be fascinated about Horoscopes when I was younger, I always liked the mythical part of things but then when someone pointed out that the Church believes those things are from Satan and have scripture back-up for it, I totally abandoned the idea. Nowdays, we find many faithful LDS members who describe themselves as being 'Aquarius' or 'Cancer' or Gemini', some of them do not know what the Church thinks about these things (in all my years in the Church I have never heard a talk in sacrament meeting about it). |
In my opinion, and I do not want to offend anyone that may be struggling with this, but I do see the use of astrology among members of the church as a definite sign of a weakened or faithless state. It is like the Word of Wisdom which was made for the weak and weakest of saints. For you to look at a paper or web site to tell you how you are going to do on any given day is patethic in spiritual terms. As a child of God you will necessarily need to understand the power is within you and not some fool hardy money making astrologist.