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I don't believe it is a numbers game. This is more of a personal issue. If you are half black and really look may affiliate more with that race. If you are half black and really look may affiliate more with that race. In either of these cases, it will most likely be determined by how and where you were raised...not really based on any numbers or percentages.
The only sticky part is when it comes down to discrimination. Then you need the percentage answer. In that case, I would say majority rules. What ever the larges percentage is...wins.
I am white...that is for sure (Irish, German, French, Welch and Spanish). However, my mother is "Black Irish". This means that there definitely is some different blood in the tree (many theories here on where it came, but it is most likely what we would today call Spanish). It is a very small percentage of the gene pool from which I sprang. I definitely do not consider myself a Spaniard.
While for many, this question seems pretty easy. The great thing about being alive today is the ease with which we travel from country to country. My wife is Korean. Our children are more Korean than anything else, but they are a wonderful mix of the world. It will not be too many more generations before there is a large group of people where their highest racial percentage will be well under 50%.
Maybe we should just call them people, but if that isn't good enough...largest percentage wins.
Just a thought,
I don't know much about percentages, but I know that I am too mixed to tell! I can trace roots to wales, france, spain, and even a possible african tribe. But I don't look black, I don't have red hair and am not exceedingly fair. I am darker complected for a white person. I prefer to call myself American as opposed to white. I find that using colors to describe a particular sect of people caused more discrimination. Instead of being white and black, I think all americans should consider themselves american if they where born here or become nationalized. Did not God create all people in his image?