Welcome Dungeons & Dragons Role-Player
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For other RPG genres look at the: Custom Built Text Based role-playing games
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Hi Buttertree! Now that's a different kind of introduction. You put as your reason for joining as "RPG Dungeons & Dragons" so I'm guessing that's what you're really here for because you did not mention anything about it. You can reply ad tell us more about your RPG experience and which games you were hoping to play or if you're here for a different reason please tell us about that too.
Greetings,I am Kitten, one of the Dungeon Masters for the open Dungeons & Dragons game. I hear you like gaming, so if you want to join in there is still room in my campaign I believe the other Dungeons and Dragon game is full right now.
If you want, come take a look at the game setting and feel free to post any questions in the character approval thread. The game is running on the 3.5 rules and you'd start at level 3.
Well, hope to see you around the forums and welcome to this little community.