Recently I was thinking about proxy work at the temple and what I know and have been told about it. Here are some points for discussion. Note: Do not go into any details about any ceremony, words, or sacred temple events that should be kept private.
1. When we stand in proxy does the one to whom we act on behalf of 'share' our body, is just next to us or is around somewhere?
2. Is it necessary for us to intently listen and be concious in order for the one for whom we act on behalf of to also 'learn' and understand?
3. Are the spirits always present at each ordinance performed?
1. In all the cases where I have read about the spirit of the person for whom the ordinance is being performed being present, it has been "in the room." Sometimes it has been across the room, sometimes seated right beside the proxy, sometimes people couldn't tell where it actually was. There is no indication, that I have read, of the spirit occupying the body of the proxy.
2. I don't know. I think it is extremely important for us to listen intently, but that is mostly for ourselves, as doing so opens up our hearts and minds to revelation and greater understanding of the ordinances.
3. Absolutely not. Not all the spirits are worthy, at the time the ordinances are performed, to be present. Sometimes the ordinances are performed long before the spirit accepts the Gospel. Other times, the spirits may NEVER accept the ordinances.
Well here is my understanding of your questions:
I don't believe they share our body. I am pretty sure they don't. I believe they have the right to be there if they wish. I don't think they are always there. Sometimes they are there and we can feel their presence. Sometimes they are there and we don't feel it and sometimes they are not there. It is possible we could perform a sealing ordinance for someone who has not yet accepted the gospel. In that situation, I do not believe they would be present. However, if they accept the gospel at a later time, the ordinance has already been performed for them and they can then accept the ordinance.
I do not believe it is "necessary" that we listen intently, but I think if we do it may enhance their experience. Heavenly Father isn't going to negate the ordinance and make them suffer such a fate because we let our mind wander. However, we should be attentive since we are representing them and if they were actually present themselves, I should imagine they would be paying close attention. It is my understanding that if we pay close attention it makes it easier for them to "participate."
1. No. Christ atoned for our sins without our spirits all having to inhabit his body at the time. Similarly, we do spiritual work for others without their spirits in our bodies.
2. No. If the plan was dependent on our physical alertness and attentiveness, we would have to redo the work if we ever even dozed off for a moment in an endowment session. Just as these other spirits are not actually possessing or inhabiting our bodies, they are not dependent on our eyes and ears for their understanding. We are attentive in the temple because it represents our commitment and willingness to be taught from on high. In the mercy of the Lord, he has provided that blind members or deaf members or narcoleptic members can still attend the temple for other spirits. Of course, every person in the session, even if he or she does not pay attention for a part of it, receives the necessary knowledge to return to our Father after this life.
3. No. They are often felt to be there, but some must be unwilling or unprepared. Spirits have agency just as mortals do.
I would answer no to all three. However, I have heard stories where someone is nodding off in the temple and they are suddenly awakened by a voice telling them they need to remain awake or I will not understand. The "I" supposedly is the deceased person they are going through the temple for. I don't believe that, I think its just one of those faith promoting rumors.
I have also heard those stories. I have never heard that the person actually said, "I will not understand." I am sure some of our ancestors want us to be awake in the temple, but is it because we are actually functioning as their eyes, or is it because there are certain principles we need to understand ourselves that can only come by revelation in the endowment session? I tend to believe that most of the communication we receive from beyond the veil is for our own benefit more than that of the dead, who are guaranteed the opportunity.