Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons Bumi World Setting

Bruconero' S Dungeons Dragons Bumi World - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 19th Dec, 2012 - 5:58pm

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Dungeons & Dragons,Crone,,Marquis &,Missing Medallion RPG ONLY the Dungeon Master Bruconero should Post here. The Thread explains the World of Bumi and what is expected of the Player therein.
7th Nov, 2012 - 5:02pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons Bumi World Setting

Warning: only the Game Master can post in this thread. Any replies or comments will be deleted

See: Map of this World

This thread is for introducing the world of Bumi, a fantasy alternative reality that will become the scenario for Advance Dungeons & Dragons adventures and campaigns with Bruconero (me) as Dungeon Master. The scenario is open to everybody, old and new players, experts and beginners. I will use the 3.5 edition with a quite fast pace. I plan to move the game on every two days so, if you are an occasional player, maybe this is not for you. Also, I want to remind that this is not a hack and slash dungeon crawling: players will face combat, but the focus is more on roleplay, investigation and puzzle solving. I don't want to scare anybody, but I think is better making things clear since the beginning rather than disappoint the potential players. To play here you will need wit as much as guts.

What is a setting? Is a living world, where places and situations are not static but evolve during time. There will be global and local events changing the face of Bumi. Some are time triggered, some will be activated when a player enters a certain location, some have a probability of happening that I will check every x months of gameplay. Some depend on what is happening in our adventures. Everytime the party completes or fails a quest or makes an important choice, it could trigger an event. Sometimes I will post an adventure, sometimes the players will have to find a quest by themselves, following the events updates or just exploring the world. The first adventure will start when I will have at least 2 approved characters.

Technical infos.
Experience points will not be given at the end of an adventure, but anytime the party achieves something. They will be individually calculated. I will not use a party leader unless I have 4 players or more.
Dice rolls.
For realism sake, I will roll some of the actions and skills. The players some others. To make it short: except for attacks, damage and initiative, don't roll unless I ask you to do so. And remember, winning an encounter not always requires combat.

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons Bumi World Setting
Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons Bumi World Setting (Hover)

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7th Nov, 2012 - 5:46pm / Post ID: #

Setting World Bumi Dragons and Dungeons Bruconeros


The World of Bumi is a piece of rock lost in time and space. It orbits in a ternary solar system. Sole, the biggest star, is as big as our own. The Child, the smaller sun spinning around the main star, is more or less half of it. It got its name from the visual effect of its orbit for an observer: it disappears when in front or behind Sun and is only visible when on the left or right of it. This brought the inhabitants of Bumi to believe it is actually born from Sun every 3 months just to die and be born again. The third star, The Hermit, is so far away that is only visible when its exentric orbit brings it close to Bumi. Three moons are visible in the sky of Bumi. The Cat, white and bright, believed to be the source of good actions, The Wolf, red and dim, believed to be responsible of human doubts and mistakes, and The Gorgon, black, source of all evil.

Bumi underwent a major cataclysm, not more than 300 years ago. The very fabric of reality was torn apart and only the joint efforts of the gods could prevent the planet to be disintegrated. But sentient life was almost wiped out from its surface. Continents sunk and new lands emerged. Since then, the gods disappeared and the world fell into a barbaric state. Slowly, humanity started rebuilding but most of the ancient knowledge was lost. Only some non-humans still remembered about magic or metal crafting but they kept this knowledge for themselves. For over 2 centuries, no exceptional individual emerged (adventurer) and exploration or research were sacrificed for the mere survival of the species.

The known world is limited to one continent or, better, part of it. Resources are scarce and magic is little more than a legend. But in the last century things started to change. Adventurers begun to emerge again and some even report interventions from the silent gods.

The world is mainly inhabited by humans. After a century dedicated to survival, men started to wage war on each other thus depleting even more the already scarce resources of the world. But now a new threat puts an end to the hostilities.

7th Nov, 2012 - 6:15pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons Bumi World Setting Archive Pathfinder / D&D


Bumi is mainly a small continent, shaped like a stretched oval with the long sides running for 1200 miles from east to west. On the western and southern sides it meets a sea so plagued by deadly streams that the exploration has been limited to the few islands close to the coast (probably land that was part of the continent before the cataclysm). The eastern part is a desert, not fully explored, so the continent could be longer than 1200 miles actually. The north is enclosed by very high mountains that continue in the sea as well, making exploration impossible. Only a small corridor, in the north-western side of the mountains, known as The Neck, grants an access to the northern, unknown, lands. From The Neck to the southern shores can be counted less than 1000 miles.

The Neck is where the major threat comes from: hordes of goblinoids trying to swarm in the civilized world. Just before the entrance of the long canyon, lay the Nolands, territory that is neutral and not claimed by any nation. Almost at the end of The Neck, a single fortress, Lastkeep, works as a defence from the assaults of the goblinoids. Every nation in Bumi sends soldiers and supplies to LastKeep in the effort to save civilization from destruction.
On the east and west of The Neck are two dwarven nations.

Adventurers are very rare, resources are scarce. Metal is a commodity. Bumi is for the take. Are you ready to jump in this world of adventures?

7th Nov, 2012 - 6:47pm / Post ID: #

Setting World Bumi Dragons and Dungeons Bruconeros


Yellow Sea
Known as Uur by its inhabitants, is a desert whose real dimensions are still unknown. It stretches from the southern sea to the northern mountains. For the first 100 miles the conditions are not extreme. The east is unexplored. To the west, is The Empire. Inhabited by nomadic human tribes with the main settlement in the city of Varna. Many barbarians hail from these lands.

Soria (The Empire)
Is by far the biggest and richest human nation, occupying almost 70% of the total known world and hosting 1,200,000 inhabitants out of a total that doesn't reach the 2 millions. Capital is Sor. Is the only nation with a police system. Runs from the southern coast to the northern mountains.

Confederation of Realms
Six city states joining in an alliance. They are in the south-western side of Bumi, limited by The Empire to the east and the sea to the west and south.

Thousand Islands
A group of islands on the western coast of the Confederation of Realms. Ruled by ancient families and active in piracy, smuggling and plundering.

Not a nation but a group of settlements and small towns in the north-west side of Bumi. No rules and no laws here.

A huge forest surrounded by The Empire on the east, the Confederation of Realms to the south and the Freelands to the north, is the home of the elves.

Dwarven nations
East and west of The Neck. They commerce ore and gems with all the other nations. The east clan is the Curlybeards, in good relations with The Empire. On the west are the Stonefeet.

The Neck
At the end of this long canyon (more than 120 miles) stays LastKeep, where soldiers from all Bumi gather to fight the goblinoids invasions. The territory just before the entrance to The Neck has been declared neutral to avoid political interferences

7th Nov, 2012 - 7:15pm / Post ID: #

Setting World Bumi Dragons and Dungeons Bruconeros



Everything will start here. I will post more geography updates as adventures will take place in new territories.

Soria, from the name of the capital city Sor, is usually called The Empire. Is the most civilized and organized nation in Bumi. Is also the richest. It occupies almost 70% of all the known world and can count more or less 80% of its total inhabitants. Sor alone, gives shelter to approximately 500,000 persons. Most of the population is made by humans but other races are not so uncommon too. It has an active police system and the strongest and better equipped military in the known world.

The Emperor is elected from prominent individuals inside the Council every 8 years. The actual Emperor is Adamenis III, actually celebrating his second year of government.

Besides the capital, Sor, there are 5 major cities. Nedo and Loya in the south, Aleyo in the west and Iminir and Bisin in the north. The most interesting natural features are the Molten Height, a huge active vulcano north of Loya, and the Great Chasm, a deep scar on Bumi's surface that runs for almost 150 miles in the center of Soria.

South of Sor, stays the independent city state of Morgia, ruled by a clerical hierarchy that almost got the monopoly on clerical services in Bumi. For a price, of course.
Next to the southern shores is the Phyneas island. Shaped like a peanut, hosts the only magic academy of the known world. Politically is still part of The Empire but in fact it acts as an independent nation. The academy official focus is limited to divination and transmutation spells but is well known that all the magic schools are well explores inside its walls. Necromancy is banned, anyway.

In the 2nd century after the cataclysm, The Empire launched a military campaign that almost brought it to conquer the entire continent. Only the intervention of the elves, with their knowledge of ancient magic, brought the offensive to an end fixing the actual boundaries. Then the goblinoids arrived, and any militaristic plan had to be abandoned.

20th Nov, 2012 - 2:02am / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons Bumi World Setting


Demenur (Major divinity)

God of Law and Justice, is generally depicted as a colossal knight in full plate that holds a sword in his right hand and a scale in his left. Demenur is the defender of law against chaos and the protector of the established order, patron of kings and rightful rulers.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Good, Law, Protection, Sun
Favorite weapon: Longsword
Area of Influence: Demenur is worshipped all over the Empire and in the Confederation of Realms

Milnar (major divinity)

God of knowledge and scholarship, protector of researchers and academies. Is considered the icon of the reconstructiom after the cataclysm. Milnar manifests himself as an old man with feathers in the place of his hairs and beard, but can also appear in the form of an owl or a giant floating eye.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Air, Healing, Knowledge, Sun
Favorite weapon: Light Mace
Area of Influence: The Empire, Confederation of Realms

Semina (major divinity)

Is the goddess of cattle, crops and fertility. She grants the natural cycle and the alternating of seasons. Depicted as a middle aged chubby woman with a maternal attitude. Is the protector of farmers and agriculture, of pregnancy and harvest. Her cult is primitive and based on the land.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Earth, Good, Healing, Plant
Favorite weapon: Sickle
Area of Influence: Any rural area

Felnuus (intermediate divinity)

God of order, wild cats and shooting stars. Depicted as a medium built man with the head and mane of a white lion and paws replacing his feet. Believes in victory at all cost but overt, surgical strikes are prefered to subterfuge. Intimidation is allowed but not on non-combatants.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Law, Luck, Trickery, Animal
Favorite weapon: Scimitar
Area of Influence: Morgia and central Empire but the cult is growing fast

Hector the Hammer (intermediate divinity)

God of the armies and military operations, protector of soldiers and mercenaries, master of siege and strategy. Is described as a strong man with ram horns and a thick, black beard. Is invoked before battles and very popular amongst professional soldiers.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Protection, Strength, Travel, War
Favorite weapon: Warhammer
Area of Influence: Soldiers all around Bumi

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21st Nov, 2012 - 12:24am / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons Bumi World Setting


Eger (Intermediate divinity)

Goddess of mercy, of illness and disease. Protector of the beggars, the poor and the miserable. She is depicted as a woman whose body and face are always hidden under a long and thick hooded robe.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Good, Healing, Knowledge, Protection
Favorite weapon: Unarmed Combat
Area of Influence: Big urban settlements in the Empire and the Confederation of Realms.

Pelagus (Intermediate divinity)

God of the oceans and seafaring, protector of the sailors and marine creatures. Believed to be a gargantuan ancient water snake that can appear also in human form.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Air, Luck, Travel, Water
Favorite Weapon: Trident
Area of Influence: Very popular in the Thousand Islands, is also worshipped in many coastal settlements around Bumi.

Lupo (Intermediate divinity)

God of nature and wilderness, protector of both the hunter and the prey. Depicted as a wolverine humanoid. His cult is strictly connected with the worship of the Wolf just like the cult of Felnuus is connected with the worship of the Cat.
Alignment: Pure Neutral
Domains: Animal, Earth, Plant, Strength
Favorite weapon: Shortbow
Area of Influence: All around Bumi. Worshipped mainly by rangers and druids.

Abraxas (Intermediate divinity)

Elemental god of destructive nature, thought to be born as an effect of the Cataclysm that changed Bumi three centuries ago. Described as a creature made of pure energy that can change shape at will.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Air, Chaos, Destruction, Fire
Favorite weapon: Morningstar
Area of Influence: Unknown

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19th Dec, 2012 - 5:58pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons Bumi World Setting D&D / Pathfinder Archive


Loreeklynn Many Eyes (Intermediate Divinity)

God of stealth, agility and the hidden world. Is a smart trickster, thought to be able to sneak on the back of his own shadow as well as pick the only yellow pebble out of a hundred grey pebbles while blindfolded. When something is missing or lost, his followers like to say that it has been secretly misplaced by Loreeklynn.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Favorite Weapon: Dagger

Domains: Luck, Magic, Travel, Trickery

Area of Influence: Elves

Anoresis the Unseen (Intermediate Divinity)

The Mother Goddess, the living planet. Mistress of the elements and of the invisible forces, forger of time and space. Anoresis has no features or shape. She is the tree and the wind that moves its branches, the spirit and the will that brings it to life.

Alignment: Pure Neutral

Favorite Weapon: Rapier

Domains: Air, Earth, Fire, Water

Area of Influence: Elves

Jamlamin of the Hunt (Intermediate Divinity)

God of healing, hunting, war and wilderness. Is depicted as a dark skinned elf armed with a bow and protected by pelts. He is known for blessing his followers with game in lean times. His favorite tactic is that of stalking the prey until the perfect shot is lined up. His clerics are often confused with druids because they are forbidden to use metal armors.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Favorite Weapon: Longbow

Domains: Animal, Healing, Plants, Stealth

Area of Influence: Elves

Thorim (Intermediate Divinity)

God of battle and honor, protector of the heroes and the braves. Thorim is believed to be a formidable warrior, depicted as a heavy armored fighter wielding a huge axe. He doesn't allow fear or second thoughts when facing an enemy, seeks victory and justice by brute force but can grant mercy to the surrendering foes.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Favorite Weapon: Greataxe

Domains: Law, Good, Strength, War

Area of Influence: Dwarfs

Bulmor Runekeeper (Intermediate Divinity)

God of knowledge and technique, keeper of the runes and of the ancient traditions. Bulmor is the protector of artisans, craftsmen and scholars but is worshiped by many merchants and traders as well.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Favorite Weapon: Warhammer

Domains: Earth, Healing, Knowledge, Protection

Area of Influence: Dwarfs

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