"I have two requests, sweetie", states Quasar leaning back in his chair. "The first will be your choice but the second is my call. I'm hungry and thirsty. Bring me whatever food and beverage you find more appropriate but consider that my purse is not heavy. Yet. After that, join me at the table when you have time and these folks will start to move out". The magician says this with a low, calm tone of voice. He tries to look as plain as possible, intentionally avoiding to glance at the girl's breast or showing any kind of interest other than what he clearly said.
Arathriel- The drunk man motions for you to sit with a perfunctory gesture. He hardly seems to notice you, in fact,he hardly glances up from his drink. After a moment he loudly announces it is time for bed. He stands, knocking over his seat as he stumbles towards the stairs.
Quasar- From the corner of your eye, you notice Kevon is trying to appear absorbed in his drink, though he occassionally raises is head to give you a dirty look.
"We don't have much, hon, but our special tonight is Chicken and peas. We have a cheese sauce to go on the side, too. " She hesitates for a moment, glancing at a thick armed man standing in a corner of the room. A thick cudgel is apparent on his waste, and he looks back at her protectively. "Yea, I'll come back when the rabble starts to clear. Let me get you your food."
A man with a long scar across his face sits down, and a moment later Kevon leaves for bed.
Quasar waits until Kevon is at a certain distance from the table, then talks for the first time with the elf Zed: "Zed Thorn", he says slowly, like if trying to imprint the name in his memory, "May I ask you which is your trade and why you accompany yourself to such an annoying individual?". To make clear who is he talking about, the magician hints with his head in the direction in which Kevon just headed. "And you, Sir", he adds then talking to the newcomer, "Do you live in town or you are another traveler in seek of some distraction?".
Arathriel replies to Qusar I'm not from this town or any town. I am a ranger or what's left of one, the post I held of my fore fathers was over ran by invading Orc's and was lost. I have been in this town for a week, my name is Arathriel. I have heard mention of a crown and a reward... I would like to find a party and try to find this crown even if the crown wasn't found it would still be fun. What have you guys heard of it? Do you know of any one that is looking for some one of my skill set? Arathriel slides his hood slightly back so his face could be seen by Qusar and the elf. He waves a bar maid over and orders some cheap food and asks for a spittoon Edited: Arathriel on 5th Mar, 2013 - 6:07pm
"The crown!", thinks Quasar in excitement but not allowing his feelings to filter through his expression. "Glad to make your acquaintance, Arathriel the Ranger", he says instead in a friendly manner, "I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune. Are you a sword for hire by chance? You mentioned a reward. Is there any job worth considering for a wandering traveler like myself?".
"I am a rogue by trade"he says, gesturing to the waitress as if he would like some food also ,"This so happend to be the only seat avable wen I got here."
Zed smirks as he puffs on his tobacco
The smerk disappears "Do you mind if I share a meal with you ?"
A sword for hire of course, what else does one in my position do? The only reward I have heard of thus far is that of the crown. I was going to ask around town and the tavern after I ate you and Zedthorn's assistance would be much appreciated or any one else that think would be helpful. Arathriel then asks Qusar where he is from and what brought him to the wailing walrus
He also asks Zedthorn the same
Arathriel agrees to share a meal with Zedthorn Edited: Arathriel on 5th Mar, 2013 - 8:32pm
The barmaid returns, balancing three plates piled with Chicken, Peas, and a creamy white sauce. She sets one down in front of each of you, then sits in the recently evacuated chair. She seems somewhat more comfortable now that the boorish man has gone upstairs. The big fellow with the cudgel leans inconspicuosly on a barrel in the corner, but his eyes are like augers as he watches your table.
"So, what did you want? I'm somewhat busy this evenin'."
Out of Game: Arathriel, please use quotations for speech. "A sword for hire of course, etc.." I know when you're speaking and when you're not, but it might be difficult for others. Edited: Oinodaemon on 5th Mar, 2013 - 9:29pm