Mormons and Sex Education - Page 6 of 6

Name: Hannah Country: Comments: I see what - Page 6 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 24th Jul, 2010 - 9:06pm

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Should children be taught this outside of the home?
13th Jul, 2010 - 12:33am / Post ID: #

Mormons and Sex Education - Page 6

international QUOTE (haleray @ 12-Jul 10, 10:21 AM)
There are several book by Apostles on what goes on in the temple, but I have yet to find one book about sex, written by any Apostle (if you know one, please name the book).

Well, I would hope that the Apostles will focus on Christ because on sex issues, I think is something that the parents should teach and nobody else. If the child has no parents, I believe there are programs where kids can learn the basics, however I don't think the school is the place for it.

13th Jul, 2010 - 3:10am / Post ID: #

Education Sex Mormons

One of the reasons I'm against sex ed in public school is that the content is completely secular - there is no discussion of morality, ethics, chastity, etc. Just mechanics and "tolerance" of alternative lifestyles. There was recently a section about AIDS in my daughter's Life Science class in 7th grade (she's 12 years old) which I did *not* grant permission for her to attend. We have discussed this ourselves, and I didn't think she needed to be exposed to their viewpoint about it, and their permission to have sex as long as she uses condoms. So she and some other kids who were to be kept out of the class were taken to the library, and -- get this -- given worksheets and handouts with all of the material to be covered in class! I was so upset. Not even for them to take home, just for them to work on at school and turn in to the teacher after the class period. So, if she had not told me about it, I would never have known that had happened. They didn't ask my permission to give her that information, either.

I hate public school.

13th Jul, 2010 - 2:45pm / Post ID: #

Mormons and Sex Education Studies Doctrine Mormon

That's terrible Farseer! I would be very mad too if that happen to my kids! I think in the US particularly, it is kind of scary that the government seem to be one in charge of YOUR kids instead of you as a parent!

Yes, the number one reason about sex-ed at school is the fact that they already discuss the topic like if every kid WILL have sex no matter what (not to mention the "everybody does it" type of thinking). Dangerous.

14th Jul, 2010 - 4:27am / Post ID: #

Page 6 Education Sex Mormons

In a perfect world the parent(s) should be teaching the kids about sex ed. But raising two boys taught me a couple of things. One, all parents do not talk to their kids about sex and some parents have no restrictions on what they teach their kids. We always taught our boys that if they had any questions to just ask. That asking started in the 4th grade. We answered every question to the best of their understanding. Teaching both boys the same ended in two different attitudes. One son became sexually active at about 16, the other is abstaining until his education is through. As parents we should teach abstinence until marriage. If for nothing else as protection against disease. Keeping the communication lines open is the key. Once we learned that our one child was active, we combined talking about abstinence with using protection. Parents need to be alert and flexible with their teachings and keep the lines of communication open. Don't get angry or frustrated at your child, just talk.

Back on focus, the schools should not teach sex ed, that should be the focus of the parents. Maybe we should offer sex ed classes for adults on how to teach your kids. laugh.gif

Post Date: 14th Jul, 2010 - 1:59pm / Post ID: #

Education Sex Mormons

Name: Hannah

Comments: Does the church have an official position on teaching sex education in schools / home? For the guy who said that once he found out his son was sexually active he made sure he was using protection, I don't get that. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but shouldn't you as a priesthood holder be encouraging him not to have sex before marriage instead of making sure he has protection? The best protection is abstinence.

15th Jul, 2010 - 4:38am / Post ID: #

Mormons and Sex Education

Sorry to first get off topic, but I want to answer Hannah and then I will be back on topic.
Hannah, I guess you don't understand. We taught both of our boys that abstinence was the path that should be chosen. We used church teachings, living examples of the consequences of premarital sex, the importance of waiting until married, etc. One son payed attention and chose that course. While the other got carried away by the influence of his friends. At the point that we realized that he wasn't going to change his ways we decided that we had better talk to him about protection. The last thing we wanted to do was alienate our son by anger and ignorance. We chose to show love and compassion and prayed for his return. We talked to him, tried to coach him back and gave him all the love that we could. Now he is married and he and his wife are meeting with the missionaries. We didn't give up on our son because of his choices and now the prodigal son is returning. My guess would be that you have never had to face these kind of decisions.Theses decisions are not always black and white, there are a lot of grey areas when it comes to raising children. Sometimes you have to have the insight to understand where the path is going and how to direct that path. I believe that my examples are a good show as to why schools should not teach sex ed and that it should be the parents. If schools teach there will be little compassion, general discussions and besides most teens are not going to admit that they don't understand. Also, the idea that there has to be a separation of church and state would push out the religious teachings and the importance of abstinence from an eternal standpoint.

Post Date: 24th Jul, 2010 - 9:06pm / Post ID: #

Mormons Sex Education - Page 6

Name: Hannah

Comments: I see what you're saying but I often wonder if it is that we did all we can or we tend to trust our children too much? Maybe we give them too much credit and they need a little supervising if you know what I mean.

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