Future Earth - Jungle Biowarfare RPG - Page 3 of 23

To the supervisor's question, Lars - Page 3 - Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Posted: 30th Apr, 2013 - 8:40pm

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Future Earth RPG - Arctic Rescue

SCENARIO - The actual story is updated here by the GM.
12th Apr, 2013 - 12:20am / Post ID: #

Future Earth - Jungle Biowarfare RPG - Page 3

The Game Master says...

Before the commander could leave Thomas, Lars and Major express their annoyance by the unexpected drama that they saw earlier. The commander does not seem surprised by what Thomas relates to him. The commander calls over one of the technical experts who says with some level of assurance,

"Oh, right... You must have been experiencing a slight mishap we call a "Cognitive illusion relay" which means that your mind knows certain facts but displays it in the wrong event. For instance you learned about the Amazonian people and you know you have to take a flight. It is a natural tendency when you have been implanted for the first time but it will wear off soon and you should be fine."

He then insists that you have nothing to worry about and that you should get ready for the flight. You then realize that while the 'expert' was explaining your 'vision' the commander left the room.

GM: Say what you wish to do now.

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14th Apr, 2013 - 11:34am / Post ID: #

RPG Biowarfare Jungle Earth Future

The Game Master says...

GM: I'm not sure who Shane is referring to as "...the Captain"?

Uhura asks the technician why everyone had the same hallucination. He explains in a rather confident tone that you all experienced the same things just before at the same time,

"You were all shown the same Amazonian warrior, heard the same mission and were told the same things. You also had the chips installed at the same time, etc. Conclusively, having the same or very similar cognitive illusion relays is not uncommon."

Everyone then readies themselves for the flight. You are taken to the ship's port. You all board a sleek military colored transport vessel. You enter the hull where you are shown to some seats that look suitable for soldiers and their gear. Military personnel assist you at every turn. As you are strapped in you feel very tired but unusually relaxed. The pilot comes over the comm,

"We'll be taking off shortly, strap in."

In less than 10 minutes the ship's engines rumble and the slow hum of the engine's thrusters makes you sleepy....

GM: Say what you wish to do now.

15th Apr, 2013 - 3:18pm / Post ID: #

Future Earth - Jungle Biowarfare RPG RPGs PBP Fiction Science

The Game Master says...

GM: I will assume you meant "Shane" as opposed to "Aose"

In the military transport vessel Lars tries to venture off to inspect the ship but in doing so he is ushered back 'in line' by the flight crew.

After you are strapped into the soldiers drop area, the same place you were 'before', the staff leave to secure themselves in nearby seats.

Save for Seth, everyone tries their best not to fall to sleep. The ship elevates and rumbles off into the air.

Suddenly, you are woken by a loud ping sound. The flight commander comes over the comm,

"Landing in 10."

You look at the time... Despite your best efforts all of you dozed off for the past hour. You start looking around to see if you've missed anything but all is the same.

The ship lands and the flight crew release your straps. They assist you in gathering your things. The ship's drop hatch opens and you immediately feel the warm air and bright light radiate from an asphalt ground. You are led down and off the ship to see what looks like the quieter portion of a very busy ship's port (like an airport but it accommodates outer planetary travel as well).

A sleek bus arrives. You get on board. The driver briefs you on your next action. You are to be taken to a commercial flight and from there your destination will be to the Sector B. He drives off and follows some road markings that take you to the commercial flights. You are handed a card each with 2000 Crs on it. Your flight will cost 800 Crs from that. He then points the way to the flight counter.

You get off the bus and see a busy looking passenger hall full of all kinds of people going various places. Ahead is a line where you are supposed to join. You can see airport security are scanning IDs and questioning passengers. You can see them coming your way.

GM: Include the card and the amount as part of your inventory. Ensure the equipment you chose is separate from your previous belongings. You should now add as your next action your story of why you are there and where you are going otherwise say what you wish to do now.

19th Apr, 2013 - 11:33pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 RPG Biowarfare Jungle Earth Future

The Game Master says...

You find your place in the line ahead.

The officials have a fancy hand held device that scans over the IDs of everyone. As they come to your section they meet with Seth and Lars first. As the the airport security officer holding the scanner passes it over Seth he raises a brow and then looks up at him in a surprised way,

"What's the purpose of your flight?"

Without waiting for the answer he then scans Lars and is equally surprised. He then looks at both Seth and Lars,

"You are together?"

He then repeats his original question,

"What is the purpose of your flight?"

Another officer comes over to listen in while studying your profiles.

The rest of you become slightly take aback wondering what information the scanner showed him.

GM: I need everyone to roll against Soul. You have to add -5 (which is a good modifier) to your roll. If you wish to take any specific actions please say so now.

Future Earth - Jungle Biowarfare RPG
Future Earth - Jungle Biowarfare RPG (Hover)

23rd Apr, 2013 - 11:22am / Post ID: #

RPG Biowarfare Jungle Earth Future

The Game Master says...

GM: I see no roll for the Character: Lars, so I will count it as a negative result but his response to the officer is an added negative as well.

The officer looks at Lars with no expression, then at his colleagues with a look of impatience and then back at Lars with a stern attitude questioning him,

"You have no tongue? What is the purpose of your flight?"

He then asks two officers to detain Lars. The officers then come close to Lars insisting that he follows them.

During that moment...

Another officer comes over to scan the rest of the Squad. To the ones who failed their Soul roll he asks you to follow Lars and the officers.

GM: Say if you comply or not and what you will do now.

25th Apr, 2013 - 2:42pm / Post ID: #

Future Earth - Jungle Biowarfare RPG

The Game Master says...

Those of you who followed the Airport Security detail pass by some armed guards and go into a closed room near to where passengers are in lines boarding. Through a large window you can see others of your group waiting on your return. You are taken to an office where a Amazonian native looking man is sitting at his desk doing work on his computer. The officer that scanned you seems excited as he communicates to what you now realize is his supervisor,

"Boss, look what I caught!"

He turns to you, "Come on, tell him what I found out about you."

You are puzzled still wondering what the officer did in fact find out about you.

GM: Someone should speak for the group initially. Say what you wish to do now.

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28th Apr, 2013 - 9:41pm / Post ID: #

Future Earth Jungle Biowarfare RPG - Page 3

The Game Master says...

Lars replies,

"There are a lot of things you could have found out about me. Which are you referring to?"

The officer is a bit surprised by your answer and says,

"Why the documentary of course!"

He then turns to his supervisor and says while pointing to you,

"They're probably stars!"

The supervisor doesn't seem the least bit interested but does look you over. At that time Lars asks,

"Are we being detained? You know, if we miss our departure because of this, our investors will throw a fit."

To which the supervisor says,

"No sir, it seems that this officer is just a bit over zealous about your activities."

He then rises from his computer at the same time glancing at the officer with annoyed eyes. He shows you out the door while the once excited airport officer that scanned you now feels slightly embarrassed.

You begin shuffling out the office when you note an interrogative tone in the supervisor's voice as he asks,

"Where will you be staying and for how long?"

GM: Say what you wish to do now.

30th Apr, 2013 - 8:40pm / Post ID: #

Future Earth Jungle Biowarfare RPG Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Page 3

The Game Master says...

To the supervisor's question, Lars replies,

"All the boss told me is Sector C. He didn't say how long we'd be here, but I suspect we'll be at least two weeks, maybe a month."

The supervisor becomes notably confused and looks at the officer that brought you to him. In a more interrogative tone he asks,

"You have a boss? Sector C? Where is that? We have no place known as Sector C."

He then motions you over to a digital frame on the wall (It is like having a large digital bulletin board on the wall). He touches a few areas and then a map of the immediate region comes up. From a quick glance you do see your destination on the map but there is no name attached to it.

At that same time...

Seth moves on with the line hoping to check in as soon as possible while everyone else is 'frozen' by all that is taking place in the supervisor's office.

GM: Say what you wish to do now.

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