As Uhura watches Nathan try to climb the tree she becomes shocked when his foot losses traction and he slides down hitting the ground below with a thud and a groan.
GM: Nathan takes -1 HP.
Just then...
Just when you think there could be no more to the inncident, Thomas also yells out, and starts jumping around in pain as he notices a colorful snake slithers away from him. He falls to the seat of his butt and immediately rolls up one pant leg to reveal a snake bite.
Seth and Major eventually get back to the village and begin looking for a place where they can buy what they want.
Major and Seth can get a cutlass and rope for 200 Real per set. There is no grappling hook available.
During your shopping about four young men begin to check you out, they hang around you intimidatingly and say they need money to take care of their grandmother. One of them laughs after saying that.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
GM: I need a Soul roll for Seth.
Uhura once again opens her first aid kit while asking Thomas to describe what the snake looks like. Using her chemical indicator, she verifies the species and venom. An injection relieves the pain and swelling and a suction device gets most of the snake's poison. Thomas feels better but not 100% as a fever could still set in. Nathan looks on still rubbing his own sore spot.
GM: Thomas -1 HP.
Major requests just a cutlass and he gets it for 75 Real as Seth wonders if he should pay 200 Real for the set.
GM: Insure to update your Characters. Say what you wish to do now.
After some time you all rejoin together near the clearing. It is starting to get dark, you estimate a couple of hours more of light. Your walking up and down has made the day pass quickly. You are hungry.
GM: I need a Soul roll for Nathan. Say what you wish to do now.
You eat some of your rations while trying to argue your point of view on the action that should be taken. Major and Thomas seem to already know what they want to do as they attempt to climb the tree.
You notice that you are not hearing much from Nathan, he seems to be trying not to move much because of the pain.
GM: Make sure to subtract the ration. Say what you wish to do now.
Seth is about to eat one of his rations but notices that it somehow became contaminated so he opens a new one.
Just then...
In what seems to be a freak accident Uhura notices that the hand of Nathan is swollen. It seems that when he fell from the tree his hand touched a plant that caused a very unusual reaction that paralyzed him. He was first unable to speak and now Uhura is only to catch his last breath and heart beat. Nathan is dead.
GM: Nathan is out of the game.
Major, already familiar with the tree climbs up quickly, however when Thomas tries he falls miserably to the ground and injures himself. Upon seeing this Major asks for some rope to assist those climbing up.
GM: Thomas takes -1 HP. Seth should -2 rations instead of just one. Say what you wish to do now.
Seth hopes to use rope but realizes that no one has it. He makes his way up the tree after collecting items from Nathan's body.
GM: I will need a D20 for Seth. Add the items you took to your inventory.
Uhura climbs and makes it to the top as Major assists her grab the tree branches. Uhura then goes further and makes it down the other side on to firm ground.
Thomas tries to climb and falls miserably injuring himself in the process.
GM: Thomas takes -1 HP. Re-roll to climb again. Say what you wish to do now.
Everyone makes it up the tree and down to the other side leaving the body of Nathan behind. You gasp at how easy that was considering the time spent on it. Now that you are ahead of the clearance you can better see it was in fact quicksand. You look for a path to continue but there isn't one that is easily distinguishable. It will be dark soon.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You continue towards C3. As you walk more you find that the jungle gets less intimidating as more grasslands become apparent. The sun is almost down so you use a suitable clearing for a camp. Uhura gathers dead branches, a bit of a task with such young growth all around, but she piles them up in the camp's center. You feel beat, your feet hurt and you look forward to actually sitting down and taking some rest as it starts to get dark and you can hardly see.
Uhura receives a communication from the base. They ask for your location and the status of Nathan as his signal is null.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.