Major: When everyone gets back together Major will share what he's learned so everyone is in the know.
Thomas will use the toilet and after using the toilet he will try to figure out how he can clean himself.
Nathan: Poo. How to clean up myself is a problem that will be dealt with later.
Seth acknowledges the pick up of the packages and that he will update them soon with a ETA to C2. He will check with the others to see if they are ready to head out.
Lars: "Hell Yeah!" Lars responds, "Make it a double shot margarita, on the rocks. Stirred."
He hands over whatever money is required, plus a 10% tip for the bartender. He begins drinking.
Uhura: Keeps reading until everyone assembles.
New Squad Order Trial Basis:
Based on Discussion in the Future Earth Support Thread we will suspend the current method of posting Squad Order and use this one.
New Squad Order
From my Post here and onwards each Player will be responsible for posting their Character's "Specific Action:" In this Thread. FairMaiden will no longer be responsible for Character actions. I only want the Character's actions, no questions, or Character conversation unless the Character is directly in conversation with a NPC and it is relevant to the game. Post only ONCE per Scenario entry. I will give you the full 2 days as usual from my last Update in the RPG. When I am updating the game actions here will be suspended (in other words - I will ignore last minute or after the two day entries).
Lars proceeds to drink his liquor. He asks the bartender, "'Something happened on the road from the transit station, and I'm wondering if you can maybe shed some light on the situation. Heavily armed men stopped our vehicle and inspected us, then let us on our way. What's that about?"
Uhura continues to wait on the slow pokes of the group and then gets ready to go to C2 with her new knowledge from the guide.
Thomas will try the same action as Nathan's action, (He will use his underwear to clean himself some and then he will throw it inside the toilet and flush it, if Thomas can. Then, he will follow Nathan and he will stay with him until the others come to meet up again. Edited: Felipe on 14th Jun, 2013 - 8:19pm
Specific Action: Major continues to explain what he has learned to anyone that wants to hear until everyone is ready to go to C2.