Uhura requests one the big lights and listens for the option of what else can be traded.
Specific Action: Major will offer his hand 4D gaming console for the light and the bio-suit but if he will only do a one for one trade then he will take the light.
Uhura offers her ring for the other light and asks, "How did you get these things?"
Out of Character: The update page where I was required to roll, honestly I glossed right over my needed roll. Got lost in the other details before it.
In Character: Gault goes on the defensive, wondering when he became the Future Terri Irwin. On the look out for other animals, Gault carefully moves from one location to another while the bartering is going on.
"Major. Uhura. If you need my cooking set to barter with, that is all I have besides this large backpack." Gault holds up the two different items, before he stows the pots and pans back in the backpack. Then goes back to patrolling for more critters.