Out of Character: Funny you should mention that because oddly enough although it may seem like we are being held captive we have all our gear including our weapons and we aren't bound or anything like that so I don't know what to make of it.
Out of Character: Not aggressively because by the time we got there were only the 2 of us down from 8! Anyways, you don't know that, not yet.
Out of Character: Ken you do know you can read the actual story to know what has happened from start to finish so far right? Its kind of cheating, but it will give you an idea of what our characters have been through plus you'll be on the up with that history once you meet us anyways.
In Character: : "Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts, yoga breath. Everything is going to fine." Artemis says, under her breath.
Out of Character: : Yeah, we'd better hope it's the same village. Otherwise, we'll need to recruit some players to rescue us.