Out of Character: That's true! Our equipment choices was like so limited from the start and it comes back to me now that we tried to vary the equipment among us.
Yeah. If "Big freaking light" Had been listed on the equipment list, I would have jumped all over it.
If trading for a light source doesn't pay off, maybe we can make a torch. We can wrap the head in cloth, soak that with flammable liquid,(Maybe the gel from the tree?), and set that baktag on fire. Fire makes light, we read wall, badda bing, everybody happy.
Out of Character: We should think of what we may need for the rest of the journey because this might be the last 7/11 available for a long time.
Anyone else from the squad want to place your order do it now. Artemis might want to get one of those hand sanitizes.
In Character: "Just in time for Christmas" Major says as he looks over the stuff in front of him. He then thinks about what he can trade.
In Character: Uhura shakes her head at Major's comparison and then starts to do a little bargaining herself.