Out of Character: You're lucky fate hasn't dealt your character a bad blow considering the amount of actions you've missed.
Out of Character: I will seriously recommend that Artemis and Seth stay in the room until we can figure out how to decontaminate you.
In Character: Major plays with the light a bit switching it on and off like a toy. "Now we can see something!"
In Character: "Okay Major, I think we all can agree its a light" She says to the mercenary while tiring of his clicking the switch.
"Wait, I hear something and my analyzer is going off!"
Uhura peers inside, "If you are coming outside don't!"
She hopes they don't. Knowing that they are on the high side has her worried and that makes her think of her next question!
Uhura replies back "Thank you dear..." While breathing a sigh of relief.
She looks at Major and then Gault, "We have to figure this one out, its going to be difficult because its two of them."
Then looking at Gault again, "Are you still high?"
"Gault? No, don't talk to the tree. Or, if you do, you certainly don't want to hug it." Then she laughs just little too hard and little too long at her own joke.
"And, guys? You don't have too pretend." She pauses, "They made us sit through a class on radiation back in flight school. I know this might not end well."