In Character: Major thanks the native and then turns around, "Let's see how we can fix this mess and get out of here." He puts on the bio suit, makes sure its a good fit, turns on the light and says, "Follow me".
"Well alright big leader, I will check with my light too. I want to see what we've been missing. If you see those two ahead tell them to stand way back."
Out of Character: Is that your action? Remember this is the brainstorm thread, you need to put it under "Actions" otherwise it won't be good for Gault. Oh and just put the action not the role-play stuff that's for here.
Out of Character: Anxious? When you come to play go here first Science Fiction Play By Post RPGs that way you get an overview of all the topics so you know which one needs updating. I usually open each one in a new window so I can update each and then close the window.
Out of Character: Anxious is the right word. I have so many things that I want to post for my character's actions and responses that I forget which one makes sense for the current actions and issues at hand. So I type the first one that comes to mind and then forget whether I got it to the right forum thread.