Major shouts back, "I got a whole load going on here, I will tell you in a minute that we might have struck gold!"
Out of Character: What do you all think about this? The temple might really be more than it appears to be.
"Wow, are you seeing all of this? Do you think this temple might be a living creature?" Uhura's mouth is probably half open and a bit worried.
Out of Character: I don't think it was wise to rummage through the backpack of someone just touching radioactive material although I don't know if Seth has it on him already there wasn't any indication that you were affected.
Artemis, you will get the native infected.
I have on the bio suit so let me examine the tree and that room.
Yes, I am. I will not try to deny that. I took a risk, it didn't pay off, and if I die as a result, I have nobody to blame but myself. My only regret is that you seem to have caught some of the fallout. I am genuinely sorry about that. I honestly thought that cutting past the tree was our way out, Another gamble that didn't pay off.
As for water, I already tried that. And I tried fuel from the stove, because I figured that was oil-based, and the sap might be oil soluble. That didn't work out either.
So I'm hoping the natives know something.