Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm - Page 83 of 193

In Character: Major is too concerned with - Page 83 - Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Posted: 30th Jun, 2013 - 5:33pm

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28th Jun, 2013 - 9:25pm / Post ID: #

Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm - Page 83

Out of Character: Fair, I was actually having a lot of fun role playing Lars. I have no desire to stop playing, and am simply trying to role play my character as his personality dictates. I'm not going to argue with anyone, but maybe you and Play should stop being so critical. It's just a game, and I thought the idea was to enjoy ourselves. My apologies if playing my character in a manner that I find entertaining somehow impinges on that for you, but I'm going to play Lars as I want to, not the way you guys want me to.

In Character: Lars looks up at the intimidating figure of Nathan, shrugging his shoulders. He grins weakly, "You sound like my grandfather. Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. They seem to be ignoring me now anyways, maybe we can just leave while they're distracted. I want to avoid awkward good byes."

Lars looks down, "Um, you're standing in ants."

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28th Jun, 2013 - 10:02pm / Post ID: #

Brainstorm RPG Biowarfare Jungle

In Character: Thomas says to Lars "Listen to me Lars, this is a mission, that is why we are here, not to have a vacation, next time, focus on the mission and not on unimportant people that we do not need for our mission".

Reconcile Edited: Felipe on 28th Jun, 2013 - 10:03pm

29th Jun, 2013 - 1:13am / Post ID: #
Novice / Confused
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Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm RPGs PBP Fiction Science

Scifi Rank This is Biotech Engineer, over...

Out of Character: Oinodaemon you obviously can't see the whole point of what I'm saying but you explained why in what you said. For a start just count the number of times you said "I" And therein is the problem. The point is what each character does affects others because we are working as a group unless you thought this was solo role-play gaming? Anyway do what you want, I'm sure you and the guys love having to make soul rolls all the time.

In Character: When on her own Uhura tries to make contact with the base. "Are you picking up what we see and hear now?"

29th Jun, 2013 - 2:04am / Post ID: #

Page 83 Brainstorm RPG Biowarfare Jungle

Out of Character: Fair, I respect your point of view but, as I see things, Oinodaemon is doing nothing wrong. This is a role playing game and he is role playing his character. As players, we have no right to criticize the way he does that. As characters, we have all the right to protest, scold him or even cast Lars out of the group should it come to that.

In Character: Nathan keeps looking at Lars with a serious attitude. "Now, I'll explain you clearly why and for what we are here. In case that's still not clear in your mind. And don't even try to change subject. We are on a mission that could be extremely dangerous and put our lives at risk and....ants. ANTS!".
Nathan interrupts his speech and jumps into the water.

29th Jun, 2013 - 2:22am / Post ID: #
Novice / Confused
Character Sheet Important
Not Not Approved ?

Brainstorm RPG Biowarfare Jungle

Scifi Rank This is Biotech Engineer, over...

Out of Character: Our characters don't act on their own accord. We choose how we want them to behave. I really don't care about Lars or what he does but from the start I've noticed he does everything possible to get us in trouble and its only having luck with the dice that spared him / us.

29th Jun, 2013 - 3:03am / Post ID: #

Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm

Out of Character: Yes and no. When creating a character we give him\her a personality and then play according to what that character will be likely to do in every situation. Often the character can have an attitude that is not the one the player playing him would have. Silly example: I'm 100% straight but I could still play a gay character. In cases like this, we can't blame the player. The player is only responsible for the creation, the character lives on his own after that. It would be like blaming God because he created that annoying neighbor down the road. Or, in your case, blaming God because He created me (Laugh).

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30th Jun, 2013 - 5:32pm / Post ID: #

Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm - Page 83

Out of Character: Lars passed out? I wonder these ants that bit him had some kind of poison that made this happen.

30th Jun, 2013 - 5:33pm / Post ID: #
Lieutenant / Scout
Character Sheet Important
Not Not Approved ?

Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Page 83

Scifi Rank This is Slasher, over...

In Character: Major is too concerned with his ant problem to see Lars fall or the girls laughing at him. He gets the ants out, pulls up his pants and goes to where Uhura is to see if she has anything for the bites.

> TOPIC: Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm


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