In Character: Nathan will get out of the water and start taking his clothes off. "Darn ants", he will comment with an angered expression. "Kid, that's what you got when you start playing around instead of focusing on the mission", he will start protesting talking to Lars. "Kid, what are you doing now? Shoot! Hey guys, he passed out!".
In Character: Uhura is surprised they are seeing all that is going on and yet not say anything. She then asks, "What do you think so far?" Not wanting to imply anything about their mission so far.
She then sees Major coming with a strange look on his face. Her mouth is probably open from the sight.
In Character: Major is relieved to see Uhura, somehow she is always there when you're in desperate need. He shouts out, "Red ants and they're biting really hard!". He hopes she has a medikit with something to relieve his pain.
In Character: Uhura immediately pulls out her first aid kit and goes to work.
Out of Character: The rolls for Lars has been so lucky until the last update was missed and now he is missing here again and the next update will be tomorrow.
Out of Character: Oinodaemon could be lagging for some time: he posted something about it in his Introduction Trhread a couple of days ago. He said he was divorcing from the wife and so would have not be able to participate regularly in the games. I think that's the reason why the Master just had him faint.
Out of Character: Then he'll likely die here. I'm interested to know what base thought since they said they can see and hear what we do. When I get that info I can give better suggestions but one thing I do know, we were supposed to pass these dummies and just continue walking - what happened?!
Out of Character: We did that, Fair: all but one of us. Yes, if he will not be able to participate regularly he will likely die here. Is a pity. Everytime we have a new face in the resident Role-playing Games the player always disappears for some reason.