Seth agrees that the jungle may be a better second choice. As long as we watch where we step and pay attention to where we are going we will have a easier time to get there. We are going to have to go through jungle to get to our goal any ways so might as start now.
Out of Character: That's true, how did they know about the monkeys and are so cool about it? Maybe when they're sobered up they can give us something credible to go on but it might take another whole day for that to happen.
In Character: Major is angry that this whole mountain venture is turning out to be a waste. The squad, got attacked by ants, lost a man, got pooed on his head from monkeys and now they have to climb back down. Major breathes heavy sigh hoping that the next path is not so unlucky.
In Character: Uhura shakes her head at the group in agreement, "Let's go, enough of this messing around nonsense!"