Smells like a trap in my opinion. Be cautious is never wrong, anyway, so better take some precautions. I threw a stone. If nothing happens doesn't mean the clearing is safe. Any ideas on how we should proceed?
Out of Character: A hovercraft will be good just about now. We either go through it or like risk the thickets which will probably be some serious skin scrapes. If the stone or stick don't work we could try something heavier in case its pressurized.
Out of Character: You're probably right but the way around it is with horned thickets. It isn't that big, I wonder if we can swing across maybe?
In Character: "Dang it, just what we need right now." Says Major frustrated about the obstacles.
Uhura hears what is happening and suggestions, "We could back track, there must be another way."
Out of Character: What about our technology? Isn't there a way to get our position and see what is around us like Google Maps for instance or whatever is the equivalent?
Out of Character: True, we're not really behaving like we're all high tech even if we have the equipment.
In Character: "What if we cut a tree at the right angle and it fell right over to the other side?"