Out of Character: I put that as an action - if it works then good, if not we try something else.
In Character: "Good thinking, BUT you need an axe or you will be cutting into it all day and the next day. Plus it has to be big enough to support our weight."
Out of Character: Without a axe or chain saw the cutting of a tree is going to be interesting to say the least. Google maps will just show the rain forest without showing the clearing very well if at all. I doubt a person walked around in the jungle to get a street level view of this area. I thing the easiest way is to go around and stop wasting time standing here waiting for something to come find us. Just my thoughts.
Out of Character: I just can say "I agree" To everything KNtoran said. Google maps doesn't come out by himself, is made by people, and I doubt that even in the future they will ever map in a detailed way the rain forest or the Sahara desert. For the tree, we lack the tools. I think we should move. I will start cutting the bushes and see where it will lead us.
Out of Character: Compared with the other options cutting a tree like totally sounds good unless we're missing something here.
In Character: "We could cut but it might take awhile and all I have is a dagger. Wait a sec, what about if we blow it down? Anyone have a grenade? Yeah, I know... Too noisy."
Uhura looks at Major, "You really want to do that?"
Out of Character: Why is it that we can't access the net from here? We should be in the range of some kind of satellite hookup.
Out of Character: I don't know Fair. Probably depends on the way used to access the net. If the technology is the same we use now, almost nobody gets access using directly a satellite: there are repeaters that collect and amplify the signal. Without them you can't get access. That's why in some places your phone has full line while in others is disturbed. For wi-fi, direct satellite connection is almost a dream nowadays unless you are the military of an advanced Country.
This is an explanation about why NOW it would not work. If you want the real reason about why it doesn't work in our imaginary future, you have to ask JB (Laugh).
In Character: "Maybe we should of asked the arms dealer what sort of tools we would need out here, but that's all water under the bridge now."
She looks up at Major. "Be careful, we can't have you with broken limbs now."
Uhura in a fit o frustration asks, "Why can't we just jump it? It's only 10 x 15."
In Character: "Don't worry, I can handle this."
Out of Character: I got lucky this time and rolled under my Body so I'm good.