Out of Character: Too much of this running backwards and forwards is making us look like really amateur.
Out of Character: I agree. Let's not just run off again please. We're taking actions as individuals and not as a group. We should be planning something like Uhura will do A. While Major does B, etc. Anyway now that we're back together lets cross this clearance unless you're planing to camp right here.
In Character: "Welcome back" You won't believe what happened.
I think we need to figure out a way to keep moving forward. I do believe that may be chopping our own path around the clearing. The only other method of getting around is probing the edges to see where the solid ground is and how far it extends into the clearing and if there is a solid path around that we all can use?
Out of Character: Kntoran I don't know if that was out of character or in character so I will just answer out. Major pretty much found a path already. We climb the trees and go across that way.
In Character: Major says to everyone, "It will be dark soon, shall we keep moving?"
Out of Character: For me we should get passed this clearing. It can also be sort of a protection because at least we know that no one can simply follow us with ease.