Out of Character: When Major was up there JB didn't mention anything about critters or anything happening to me but Major is going up again so he can say.
Out of Character: I got a 1 so I went up that tree like nothing.
In Character: "Hey Seth, see how easy it is? Better not stay down there too long or you'll end up like Thomas." He laughs.
Out of Character: Incredibly I got a 1 also so Uhura will join you since you've already started the process. Also since we're one man down we need to be more coordinated with our actions, we can't afford to be splitting up!
In Character: "What's the matter Nathan?" Uhura starts to examine him.
Out of Character: Since it is only 4 of us down from 6 do you think we should wait for others to join, this mission is supposed to be difficult.
In Character: Uhura announces Nathan's death. She then says what equipment he has and that we should hide the body in the forest.
Out of Character: He has lots of things:
Beretta Specific Action: Gun
120 9x19mm bullets
Hiking boots
Grooming basic
Tripod with mini-corder
Food: 5 rations
Photo of pet
Thick gold chain
Electronic binoculars
Military grade regional encrypted communicator
Thermal control sealed sleeping bag
Camp set (Includes utensils, fire starter, etc.)
First aid kit (Includes anti-venom, boosters, anti-hallucination, etc)
ID implant (Like a passport detailing your generic background, name, etc.)
Real: 290
Card (1000cr)
We should decide how we will split it up.
Out of Character: I must have the photo of the pet! I will let everyone select first before I do but at the same time we don't want to like encumber ourselves with needless stuff.
In Character: Major welcomes Uhura up and then looks to see if Seth will keep delaying.
Out of Character: I already put my actions so maybe either Thomas or Seth can take the items from Nathan's body and bring it up the tree.