Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm - Page 114 of 193

She looks over at Major and he does look like - Page 114 - Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Posted: 23rd Jun, 2014 - 10:38pm

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4th May, 2014 - 3:17am / Post ID: #
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Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm - Page 114

Scifi Rank This is Slasher, over...

"True that... Although that might be just normal for them even if it might seem absurd to us if you know what I'm talking about?"

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9th May, 2014 - 7:58pm / Post ID: #
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Brainstorm RPG Biowarfare Jungle

Scifi Rank This is Biotech Engineer, over...

Uhura says only, "I'm afraid so..." Knowing that there isn't much to understanding how natives do things.

11th May, 2014 - 3:43pm / Post ID: #
Lieutenant / Scout
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Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm RPGs PBP Fiction Science

Scifi Rank This is Slasher, over...

"We would be in a way better position if all the people that started this mission did not give up so easily."

14th May, 2014 - 6:09pm / Post ID: #
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Page 114 Brainstorm RPG Biowarfare Jungle

Scifi Rank This is Biotech Engineer, over...

Uhura shakes her head in agreement and then says,

"No point thinking what it could be, we just need to get out of this situation somehow."

21st May, 2014 - 3:17pm / Post ID: #
Lieutenant / Scout
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Brainstorm RPG Biowarfare Jungle

Scifi Rank This is Slasher, over...

All Major can do is shake his head in agreement.

"But how long will it take?"

He thinks some more.

11th Jun, 2014 - 5:00pm / Post ID: #
Lieutenant / Scout
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Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm

Scifi Rank This is Slasher, over...

Sighing at the ritual dance before him Major slumps down on one hand that is being used to prop his head. He would much rather be toting his gun trained in the bushes than watching this.

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19th Jun, 2014 - 11:39pm / Post ID: #
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Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm - Page 114

Scifi Rank This is Biotech Engineer, over...

"Don't fall to sleep watching this... It might be what they want. Then when you get up you are in that."

Uhura points to the post of boiling food over on the other side.

23rd Jun, 2014 - 10:38pm / Post ID: #
Novice / Confused
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Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Page 114

Scifi Rank This is Biotech Engineer, over...

She looks over at Major and he does look like he is dozing off.

"hey, don't leave me here alone with these people"

She nudges Major with her shoulder.

> TOPIC: Jungle Biowarfare RPG Brainstorm


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