Out of Character: We can vote on it and make it firm. I vote we start now. The way I see it if anyone wants to join in they can find us here, plus I think its like lots easier to get into one of these games than it is with JB's other games.
Out of Character: You vote for anyone? We're not talking about a leader, this vote is if we start now or wait for more players.
Out of Character: I'm all for starting now. Like Play said whomever wants to join in can do so at their own speed, no sense we all wait for the unknown player out there who is still trying to make up his / her mind.
Out of Character: We haven't gotten Felipe's vote yet but he's already outnumbered. Next step, who will be the leader? Kntoran already stepped out so its down to the three of us. Felipe do you think you can like handle being leader? You just have to make sure you get our actions in the leader thread when its time.
Out of Character: I think I can handle being the leader, all I need to do is only copy the specific actions of the group to the leader thread. If I become leader I will try to not delay with the actions. But this is only you and the others choice.
Edited: Felipe on 5th Apr, 2013 - 3:19pm
Out of Character: Cool, you'll just have to make sure you get everyone doing it within 2 days otherwise JB like moves the game without us and usually its not good for us. Probably you'll need to make sure we also use the "Specific Action:" so you don't mix up what we want to do from our in character stuff.