Out of Character: Bring them back how? They have guns and you're the only one with a gun. Their guns are way bigger too. Shouldn't we be calling the police by now, I think its obvious that these dudes are the robbers.
Out of Character: You know we could leave now and call the police that way they can get the general vicinity of the men and we would have solved the case.
Specific Action: Krusten keeps track of the men while trying not to get shot.
Out of Character: I think that Felipe has it right. Until we get solid proof that these guys are the robbers we can be seen as just harassing some land owners. I am sure they will say there were innocent and that we were harassing them to the point that they fled out of fear. We need to figure out a way to get them back to the house so that we can call the authorities with proof that they robbed the banks.
Out of Character: That is true Krusten but we need to capture them first.
Specific Action: After learning where the thugs have taken off to the shifter will advise the Assassin and Felipe to continue to follow after Krusten. The shifter will hand Felipe the hand gun and he will turn into a eagle to see if he can get ahead of the thugs.
Specific Action: Take Shifter's gun and Felipe will follow Krusten while holding the two pistols (One owned by Felipe and the other is Shifter's gun) to make sure somebody attacked him, Felipe will take caution while doing this action.
Out of Character: PlayByPost, I will need your action.
In Character: "Careful with that thing" Says Assassin watching Felipe holding that gun.
"I'm going ahead."
Specific Action: Assassin sees if he can catch up with Krusten.