Pope Francis is definitely the most dynamic of the popes I've seen in the past. He is setting a precedent that will be difficult for the next pope to follow unless he is equally as vibrant.
In a widely anticipated statement on the environment, Pope Francis blames global warming on human activity and says environmental degradation has reached a "Breaking point."
The statement, called an encyclical, is a letter from Pope Francis to 1.2 billion Catholics around the world. But the Pope has said his message is addressed to "Every person living on this planet" And is timed to influence several key environmental summits scheduled for later this year.
While calling for a moral response to climate change and other ecological issues, the Pope says "Our common home" Is plagued by myriad problems, from fossil fuels to a culture of indifference and "Information overload." Ref. CNN
The Pope and the Hammer and Sickle
Last week the Marxist quasi-dictator of Bolivia, Evo Morales, presented Pope Francis with a gift: a carved wooden hammer and sickle cross on which the figure of Christ is crucified. The Vatican announced that the pope had not been informed in advance about the gift. And some commentators said photos of the pope and Morales show that the pope was actually offended. That was a false — probably wishful — interpretation. The pope himself later announced that he was keeping the hammer and sickle crucifix and taking it home, saying, “I understand this work. For me it wasn’t... Ref. Source 6y
Immigration Could Get Push From Pope Francis:
Pope Francis has been vocal about the treatment of immigrants since he became the head of the Roman Catholic Church in March 2013. Last year, he called the surge of Central American children crossing the border into the United States a "humanitarian emergency." Pope Francis noted the "Tragic rise" Of immigrants fleeing poverty. Ref. Source 3y