Ninja Gaiden originally debuted as a great two-player arcade beat-'em-up back in 1988. But the Nintendo Entertainment System version, which was released about a year later, was completely different--and was even better. It was a very challenging action game in which you'd fight your way through many diverse stages and tough bosses while playing as the vengeful young ninja Ryu Hayabusa.
Ninja Gaiden For Xbox (Hover)
The local game stop and asked them to plug me into this game. After some careful persuading (it was either going to get me the ability to play or get me kicked out!), the owner let me play. I didn't think that the game was as fun as the original. Unfortunately, I am a big time antique gamer. I still play all the old Nintendo games including Ninja Gaiden. While the remake was pretty good, it lacked the heart of the original. I ddon'treally know how to put it any other way, I just didn't have the attachment to this version like I did the first one. If I owned an Xbox, I may buy this game, but it wouldn't be one of the first I bought.